Bible Study, Biblical Resources, Favorite Finds

Favorite Finds ~ February 19, 2019

Here are a few of my favorite recent online finds…

I’ve recommended my friend Kesha’s ministry, Bible Thinking Woman,to you in the past. Now Kesha has put together another resource I think will be very helpful to you. It’s a Facebook support group for sexually abused women. Kesha says, As a victim of sexual abuse, I know all too well the damage and destruction the trauma of abuse has. Yet, I also know the healing, freedom, and victory that we have in Jesus Christ. If you’re a Christian woman who wants help, prayer, guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear, please consider joining our private Facebook group, Support for Sexually Abused Christian Women. Even if you’ve never been abused, personally, I would encourage you to reach out to Kesha if you’re helping a friend or loved one through the journey of healing.


Need recommendations for a good concordance? A systematic theology? A set of commentaries? The Master’s University has you covered. Check out this extensive listing of biblical reference works. You probably won’t need all of these books, and the ones you do need you might be able to obtain less expensively by purchasing them via e-book, or checking your local public, church, or seminary library (your pastor might even be willing to lend out his copy of the volume you’re looking for).


Let’s go to the movies! I’ve heard about two movies recently that I’m really interested in seeing. Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy will be in select theaters March 14, 16, and 19. It’s a documentary on Moses as author of the Pentateuch. I saw the first movie in the Patterns of Evidence series – Exodus (you can rent it on Amazon Prime) – and it was phenomenal. I’m hoping Moses will be as well.

Roe v. Wade is a secular movie (so it’s probably going to have profanity and other sinful content in it – don’t go see it if those things violate your conscience) on the history of the original 1973 Supreme Court decision. If you can wade (pun intended – I like puns. I always intend them.) through the left-leaning worldview of this WaPo article, you’ll find that Roe v. Wade boasts a cast made up of “a veritable who’s who of conservative Hollywood” and other info. about the film.

Just a reminder – as of today, I haven’t seen either of these films, so I can’t vouch for their contents. I’m just saying I’m interested in seeing them and I thought you might be, too.


Need some help memorizing Scripture? David Mathis offers us 5 Tips for Bible Memorization that are sure to come in handy.



People are always asking me about Contemporary Christian Music (CCM). Is there anything good out there? Which songs or bands should be avoided? To be honest, CCM, even the doctrinally sound stuff, is not a style of music I enjoy. I don’t listen to it, so I’m almost completely ignorant of what’s out there, as I explained in my article, False Doctrine in Contemporary Christian Music. So, I’m glad to have another resource to recommend to you. Reformed Fellowship Church just kicked off their Christian Music Review on YouTube. Here’s their first installment:

9 thoughts on “Favorite Finds ~ February 19, 2019”

  1. Thank you, Michelle. I have so appreciated your site and now am really getting a lot out of your blog.

    Just wanted to recommend a few resources I have found very profitable. Feel free to not post this comment or to post without the links. I leave it to your judgment. 🙂 Oh, and I won’t be offended… 😉
    A fairly new and amazing free on-line Bible search programme by Tyndale House in the UK.

    For memorizing Scripture: — totally for entering in and typing out memory verses at a calculated rate based on how well you remember them
    VerseMem — an app available for Android (don’t know about iPhone)
    Scripture Memory Fellowship — @

    And three Christian artists who write amazing Scripture songs:
    Esther Mui @
    The Corner Room @
    The Psalms Project @

    I have not done any searching on their theology, but their songs that I listen to are word-for-word Scripture. Esther is NKJV and some KJV and The Corner Room I think is ESV. The Psalms Project is a little different as he has done some of his own translating, so it’s important to listen with an open Bible until you are sure.

    God bless and keep up the good work.
    Laurel 🙂


    1. I forgot one other great Bible resource. I don’t use it as much any more because I rarely use my computer now, and the app isn’t nearly as good as the original programme. It’s The OnLine Bible @

      The base programme is free and just FULL of great books and commentaries as well as lots of different translations. There are “translations” that are useless (eg, The Message), but for the discerning reader there is much available for searching Scripture and reading the older writers, ie, lots of meat. Like the internet, it is totally up to the reader to “search the Scriptures” no matter who we are reading or listening to.


  2. I just began looking for a commentary and was delighted to see your listing but the link doesn’t work. I have just downloaded a sample of a Matthew Henry commentary in today’s language onto my Kindle but would like to see this list before I buy. I use the time I’m sitting in the carpool lane to pick my grandchildren as my Bible study time and thought having a commentary on my Kindle would make it easier to study in my car.


    1. Hi Becky- I’m so sorry the link doesn’t seem to be working. (It appears to be working fine from my end.) You clicked on the words “extensive listing of biblical reference works”? Maybe try clicking on it on a different device? Turn off your pop-up blocker or ad blocker?


      1. Thank you so much for your reply. I read your blog on an app called Blog Lovers and I think that was the problem although it never has been before. Your links have always worked. So, I clicked on the link for this post and then clicked on the link in the post and it worked. In fact, even better I was able to download the list to my phone. It will be of much help when looking for sound Biblical helps. Thanks again! Oh and your blog along with Lori Alexander’s are my favorite blogs. Lori introduced me to your blog and I love it. It is part of my daily reading time. Keep up the good work!


  3. This is a great post! Loved the video (and can’t wait to check out the other resources). My husband and I tend to feel misunderstood among other Christians, and it’s refreshing and encouraging seeing we are not alone. I was trying to explain recently to some of our students that not all “Christian” music is biblical, and this is a helpful resource; thank you!


    1. You are most welcome! Check out that link to my article about discernment in Christian music, too. There are lots of good resources there, including my friend Jorge’s blog. He has a feature called Discernment in Music that’s basically a text version of the video I have here. He’s been doing it for quite a while, so he’s got a good archive of songs built up in case you’re ever looking for a certain one. :0)

      Liked by 1 person

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