Faith, Prayer, Tragedy

How Now Shall We Pray?

525896_10152328212315442_1287922350_nLast week, an unspeakable tragedy happened. We all wish there were something we could do to fix things and make things better for those who lost loved ones in Connecticut.

Well, there is something we can do. We can pray for them.

If you’re like me, your initial reaction is probably a feeling of, “That’s not enough. I need to do more.” Yes, it will be kind and compassionate to donate to the various funds that will be established, or to send a note of condolence. And if God moves you to do so, you absolutely should show His love in these ways. The families need to receive comfort and encouragement from God’s people, showing them God’s love.

But, if you think about it -especially if you’ve lost a loved one- you know that no act of kindness from a human being can bring the healing of the heart that these folks need. The only way these families will experience true healing, peace, and comfort is through the direct intervention of the Man of Sorrows who is acquainted with grief. We cannot truly help them, but He can.

So, how can we best pray for these heartbroken families? Pray that God will be glorified in this tragedy by:

1. Many coming to know Christ as Savior.
For some, a situation like this is a reminder of their own mortality and the eternity that will follow. Pray that people will bow the knee to Christ as the Holy Spirit woos their hearts, and be sensitive -wherever you happen to be located- to opportunities to share the gospel with people who are searching for answers in the wake of tragedy.

2. Bible-believing Christians and churches reaching out to the victims’ families with the love and comfort that can only be found in Christ. This is a time for the church to be the church and serve her neighbors.

3. God’s provision.
It’s likely that most of these families are not financially or logistically prepared to deal with the practical aspects of dealing with the death of a child or other family member. Pray that God will provide for the victims’ families and ease any struggles with “red tape” at this time. Here’s another area in which the church can serve them.

Please feel free to share this around. Let’s get as many people praying as possible.