
Thank you!

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to my ministry fundraiser last week!

I did my best to send a thank you note to everyone who donated via PayPal (If I missed anyone- THANK YOU bunches!!!), but some of my platforms don’t have a convenient way to send a message, so I thought I’d do it here.

Thank you so much to my new patrons over on Patreon, as well as to those who increased their monthly giving. You are such a blessing to me each month!

Thank you to those who donated via CashApp. Your generosity and kindness are much appreciated!

And finally, thank you to my anonymous follower who clicked this little button at the top of the blog…

…and covered my platform fees for next year. What a blessing to me and to all of my readers!

Thanks also to all who shared such kind birthday wishes and encouraging comments on social media and the blog.

You are all such a blessing to me, and it is my pleasure to serve you in Christ.

Uncategorized, Second Coming

How to Stop Arguing about Christian Nationalism in One Easy Step

“We lose down here!”

“You’re just a bunch of Boomers with a pessimistic eschatology!”

It’s been going on for months on X (the artist formerly known as Twitter). The post-mil “We’re sick of the depravity in America. Let’s build a biblical society” Christian Nationalists against the pre/a-mil “Preaching the gospel is the only way you get a biblical society, and the signs of the time seem to indicate that that biblical society is not going to happen before Christ’s return” tribe.

Is it

“Change the structure and you’ll have an environment conducive to changing hearts.”

or is it

“The only way to truly change the structure is for people’s hearts to change first.”?

Yes. No. Both. And at this point, I’m tempted to add, “Who cares?”.

If you opened this article looking forward to finding out which side of this argument I take, I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed. I’m not on either side. I’m on the third side of the argument, which is to stop arguing about it regardless of which side you’re on.

I have friends and loved ones – good, solid, doctrinally sound brothers and sisters – on both sides of the argument. I’m sick of the tension. Sick of each side treating the other like the enemy, idiots, traitors, slanderers. Sick of feeling forced to choose sides. And I’m not going to do it. And I don’t think I’m alone in this “third way”. Not by a long shot.

I have to wonder, were there variegated incarnational theology streams in Israel prior to Christ’s first coming? Did they sit around in the city gate arguing about how much longer it would take for the Messiah to get here? His station in life? The exact timing, order, and nature of the way He would set His people free? Exactly how He would accomplish all of that?

Maybe there were, and maybe they did. And how many of them do you think got all of the details exactly right? My guess is zero. And even if there was some champ of an Israelite who managed to accurately predict exactly how, and in what order everything related to Jesus’ first coming would happen, what did he win? We certainly don’t see God giving him a trophy, or “I told you so” rights, or even mentioning his name and his amazing feat anywhere in Scripture.

Arguing over Christ’s second coming is no less folly.

Can you hold an eschatological position? Sure! Study the Word like there’s no tomorrow. Draw biblical conclusions. Knock yourself out. But at the end of the day, the most any of us can say is, “Based on my best good faith reading of Scripture, I think it’s going to happen like this…”. If God has veiled from our eyes something as simple as the day and hour of Christ’s return, is it not arrogance to think we’ve got all the more complex details figured out definitively?

Nobody knows with 100% certainty exactly how it’s going to happen, brothers and sisters. And we all need to humble ourselves, admit that, and stop beating each other over the head with our educated guesses.

How? There’s just one very simple, very biblical step.

Daily bread

Daily manna

Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Do not boast about tomorrow,
for you do not know what a day may bring.

And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you…’

This is the day that the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

God’s mercies are new every morning.

You can probably think of other verses and stories that fit this biblical motif of trusting and obeying God today and not fretting about the future.

The daily manna was actually a test of Israel’s obedience and trust in God on a daily basis. If they gathered more than they needed for that day, they failed the test and God disciplined their disobedience.

Only for the Sabbath were they allowed to look to the future and gather manna one day in advance.

It’s not an accident that “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” is immediately followed by “Give us this day our daily bread.”.

“Tomorrow will be anxious for itself.”

Want to stop arguing about Christian Nationalism? Get up every day, love the Lord, and walk in obedience to Him in whatever He gives you to do that day. God opens up an opportunity for you to run for office? Go for it. You have a chance to share the gospel with someone? Do it. Pray. Work. Worship. Study the Word. Love and serve your family and your church.

Stop trying to figure out the next five or five thousand years. Live faithfully today, and glorify God to the best of your ability.

And get up tomorrow and do it all over again.

Stop trying to figure out the next five or five thousand years. Live faithfully today, and glorify God to the best of your ability. And get up tomorrow and do it all over again.


New Year, New Look!

Time to spiff up the joint a little!

I love this amazing new branding work my friend Amanda created for me for the blog and my social media platforms. She does beautiful work, and if you have any branding or marketing needs – and if you love supporting Christian-owned small businesses – I hope you’ll connect with Amanda Hess Marketing on Facebook or Instagram.



Hi readers-

I just wanted to let you know about something…

My dad passed on Saturday (January 6) after a difficult hospitalization that began on Christmas Day. He was 80 and his health had been gradually declining for quite some time, so it was not completely unexpected. An Army Ranger and Vietnam vet, he served this country proudly. My parents were married 58 years on December 29.

I’m taking a short break from blogging and podcasting while I tend to family responsibilities.

The Lord is sustaining us, and your prayers are appreciated.

I took the photo above yesterday at the state veterans cemetery where my dad’s remains will be interred. The grounds are beautiful, and some of the wreaths placed by Wreaths Across America were still out.

Holidays (Other), New Year's, Uncategorized

Info., Reminders, and Announcements for the New Year

Happy (almost!) New Year! I hope you’ve had a lovely holiday season with family and friends and that Christ has blessed you with rest and worship.

As we get things kicked off for the new year next week here on the blog, I wanted to share some information, reminders, and announcements with you.

🎉 Are you new to my blog? Here’s some quick info. to help you get acclimated.

🎉 You may have noticed – starting this week, I’m going back to my Tuesday – Thursday (rather than Monday – Friday) blog schedule.

🎉 If my blog and resources have been helpful to you and you’d like to bless my family with a gift via PayPal, Patreon, or CashApp, please click here. Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated. Big hugs and thank you’s to those who have donated in the past or donate regularly!

🎉 If you don’t already follow one or more of my social media pages, come join in the fellowship! Here are all of my social media links.

🎉 Are you listening to A Word Fitly Spoken yet? Amy and I would love for you to join us on your favorite podcast platform. Starting next week we’ve got some super new episodes to help you get 2024 started on the right foot.

🎉 Need a speaker for a women’s conference, retreat, or other event? Looking for a guest for your podcast? I still have slots available on my calendar for 2024. Click here for more information.

🎉 And speaking of conferences, how would you like to attend a conference I’ll be speaking at? Check out my speaking engagement calendar and register at a conference near you!

Thank you so much for your loyal readership and the kind words so many of you have encouraged me with. You are such a blessing to me, and it is my honor to serve you through writing and resources. May we all strive to please our Lord Jesus Christ together in 2024, and may this be the year of His coming.