Discernment, False Teachers

Is She a False Teacher? 7 Steps to Figuring it Out on Your Own

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43 thoughts on “Is She a False Teacher? 7 Steps to Figuring it Out on Your Own”

  1. Ann Graham Lotz teaches to men. You don’t list her under false teachers. Is there something different? (I am asking sincerely Michele – not trying to cause division. Thank you so much for your ministry – for your call in the wilderness. Your material helps me share with others. Let us continue to fix our eyes on Jesus – NiCole


    1. Hi NiCole-

      You are such a sweetie! Please always feel free to ask any questions you may have :0)

      The false teachers tab at the top of my page is nowhere near exhaustive (there’s not enough bandwith in the world to list them all!). Those are just the people I’ve had time to get to. Anne Graham Lotz is on my ever-growing list of people to address. Aside from the fact that she teaches men (which, as I said in the article is enough to tell us to avoid her) she’s also into extra-biblical revelation and “prophecy”. She’s not someone I would recommend. Here and here are some examples of why.


      1. I just thought it was highly ironic that the reason I even came upon this blog post is that it was reposted on FB….by a man…who evidently thought your Biblical instruction on this subject was insightful.


      2. No worries, I get that question all the time. I think these resources will help answer your questions:

        Rock Your Role FAQs (#1 and #3)

        Jill in the Pulpit

        Also, take into consideration that this article is not biblical instruction, it’s written to Christian women, not men, and perhaps your friend already knew all of the things mentioned in the article (thus, he didn’t “learn” anything) and just passed it along thinking it might be helpful for his female Facebook friends.


      3. Michelle Lesley is not teaching men, she is exposing false teachers like each and every christian is told to do.


      4. I am a man, a Sunday school teacher at my church, and I take my God given role as spiritual head of my household seriously. That being said I too read any and all teachings in order to check for sound doctrinal teaching to recommend to my wife and those in my class. I am of the opinion that Michelle is doctrinally sound and have recommended her to my wife.


  2. These are excellent guidelines. I’m in some online groups where people ask about various teachers. Sometimes I wonder when they should start discerning for themselves instead of being spoonfed.


  3. Reblogged this on The Outspoken TULIP and commented:
    For a while now, I’ve been praying that I’d discern popular evangelical teachers without running to others asking them to do my homework for me. When I read this blog post by Michelle Lesley this afternoon, my heart danced for joy to see these wonderful guidelines! I pray that you’ll also find this post helpful.


  4. Reblogged this on Treasures by Kesha and commented:
    What a great blog on helping us women learn how to protect ourselves from false teachers, and not be guillible, weak women. We must study for oursleves, test all things against Scripture, and pray for wisdom and discernment.


  5. Thank you very much for your great goal of helping women everywhere spot false teaching on their own. Your insights here are incredibly helpful, and your resources given exceptional!!! Continue doing what you’re doing. It’s benefiting many for Christs glory!! Luke


  6. I appreciate the time and effort you put into your research, being a theologian, and willingness to share with others.
    What are your thoughts on women teaching men and women in a Sunday school settings on a book or topical study?
    Also Rosario champagne Butterfield the author of the unlikely convert does some speaking engagements at conferences where men and women are both in the audience. By the way, I highly recommend this book.


    1. Hi Melissa-

      Thanks so much for your kind words :0)

      “What are your thoughts on women teaching men and women in a Sunday school settings on a book or topical study?”

      Women are not to instruct men in the Scriptures in the church. If it’s a book or a topical study on Scripture then women shouldn’t be teaching it to men. If it’s not on Scripture, why would a Sunday school class be studying it?

      I’ve heard a lot of great things about Rosaria Butterfield. I think it could possibly be appropriate for a woman to speak at a co-ed conference, or even a church, in some instances such as giving her testimony or giving an informational talk about a ministry she heads up or something like that, as long as she doesn’t veer off into biblical instruction. Unfortunately that can be a very narrow tightrope to walk, and I have witnessed many women “fall off” of it and begin what could only be characterized as preaching or instruction during their testimony or ministry report. I’ve addressed this question further in this article (#7). Even as awesome as Rosaria is, if she’s preaching to or instructing men in Scripture in the gathered body of believers (whether that’s in a church or a conference arena) – and I don’t’ know whether she does that or not, I’ve never heard her speak – then she’s violating Scripture.


  7. With all of this being said, the majority of churches in my immediate area allow some form of this to occur. We haven’t found one yet-solid, sound church. It seems impossible to find a church right now. This criteria seems incredibly restrictive. We’re in a season of being out of church due to having a medically complex child and that we have witnessed so much of this falseness spread like wildfire everywhere we visit. Not to mention just weary of the whole institutionalized church setting. What does one do about not forsaking assembling? Very frustrated and isolated. We miss fellowship so much.


    1. Hi Angela-

      I can only imagine how discouraging your situation must feel. Unfortunately, I have heard from many in similar circumstances. If I might offer you a few small things that I hope might help:

      1. Six Ways Not to Forsake the Assembly

      2. Paul Washer has a wonderful church search feature of doctrinally sound churches on his web site. Maybe there’s a church on it near you that you haven’t discovered yet.

      3. There aren’t any perfect churches out there. I have been in churches over the last several years that have had problems- women in improper positions of leadership, the women’s ministry using materials by Priscilla Shirer and other false teachers, pastors who have been afraid to rock the boat by exercising church discipline, etc.

      I am becoming more and more convinced that, in these last days, God is sending mature, discerning Christians into unhealthy churches in a “last ditch effort” to turn those churches around. We have to go in with the perspective that we’re going to roll up our sleeves, love the Bride, and get to work helping her. I would encourage you to consider whether or not that might be the opportunity God is giving your family. Is there a church near you that’s not so far gone that there’s still hope to turn it around? I can’t answer that, but perhaps you and your husband could pray about it and ask God to guide you and give you wisdom. I’m taking a moment to pray for you now :0)


      1. I read the links you included and did the church search. Nothing. One church, about ten minutes from my home, however, it seems to be just like the one we used to attend (before moving). As I have matured in my faith, I strongly dislike the whole segregating by age for bible sudy. My 12 year old hates the whole youth group atmosphere. Feels just like an extension of the schools. It’s wild, because I use to serve in the youth group and have even gone on two international mission trips. I served in children’s ministry. I see things so differently now. Cliquish, entertainment driven, revolves around the schools(we homeschool), etc. If, we, by some miracle, make it on time, all together, due to a severe epilepsy, we’re worn out getting where we and our youngest need to be and pushing through seizures. Oftentimes, we leave more weary than when we came. We seem to be, unavoidably, in the homebound group right now. Our family continues to just gather together for study and worship for now.


      2. I’m so sorry. I know it’s hard to be without the fellowship of other believers. Something just occurred to me, though. I don’t know if this would be a possibility for your family or not, but I’ve heard from several women in sort of the same situation you’re in- they’ve got a family member with a medical condition or disability that makes it difficult for them to get to a traditional church for services. I wonder if there are other Christian families in your area in that same boat that would enjoy worshiping, fellowshipping, and studying God’s word with your family at your house? Maybe it would solve your situation and theirs and be a source of encouragement as well? Just a thought :0)


  8. What if a woman intends to only speak to women and makes it clear that is her desire, such as a women’s conference or meeting and a man shows up? May it be a father chaperoning his young adult daughter to a conference which requires long travel and an older woman is not available to accompany her or employee of the church who shows up to help with technical stuff. What should she then do continue with her intended teaching to the women or refuse to speak until the mem leave?


  9. Hi, I read your article and I have a question. There are several references in the Bible as to how to recognize a false teacher but I don’t see those references in your article. I have in the past question whether someone was a false teacher so I turned to the Bible for my guideline.


  10. I highly appreciate your blog. I think you are providing a helpful service. However, at the end of this blog, you said to “Check the Date” on a potential false teacher, and if that teacher has repented, then forgive her. I agree with that with regards to Christian FELLOWSHIP, but not in regards to her continuing to be held up as a teacher (LEADERSHIP). James 3:1 says, “Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.” If a false teacher can “get back in the game” after just a retraction and time in the penalty box, how is that consistent with James?

    Could you give your biblical support for your viewpoint?


    1. Paul (Acts 9:19b-22) Apollos (Acts 18:24-28) Peter (Luke 22:31-32, John 21:15-19) James 3:1 doesn’t say a false teacher can’t repent and teach sound doctrine. It says those who teach God’s word will be held to a higher standard by God for getting it right than those who aren’t teachers. Those who teach are supposed to know God’s word well enough to handle it correctly (2 Timothy 2:15).


  11. What would be your advice to somebody who is having trouble discerning false teaching? I’ve found it quite difficult to distinguish between who is sound and who isn’t. I’ve been a little sceptical of Sarah Jakes Roberts, T.D. Jakes and Steven Furtick and was wondering what your thoughts were on these 3 individuals?


    1. Hi Amber- My advice is in the article you’re commenting on.

      No one in the Jakes family is doctrinally sound. They are all Modalists (which means they have an unbiblical view of the Trinity which puts them outside the camp of Christianity), they all subscribe to Word of Faith (prosperity gospel) heresy, the women all rebel against Scripture by preaching to men, and T.D. not only encourages them to, but turns his pulpit over to other women “preachers” as well.

      Steven Furtick considers T.D. Jakes his mentor, so that should tell you something about his theology. He treats Scripture like Silly Putty, twisting it beyond all recognition. He regularly turns his pulpit over to, and associates with, false teachers and women “preachers.” Here’s a little more info. on him.

      I’d encourage you to stay far away from all of them. If you’d like to find some great, biblical teachers to listen to, click on the “Recommended Bible Teachers” tab at the top of this page.

      Hope this helps :0)


  12. I am a new author. I’ve been teaching Women’s Bible studies for years. In my new book I have used two movie quotes because it fit with a story Since it is a narrative non-fiction book. However the majority of the book has much scripture. Is this wrong? Another question is – what if your teaching at a woman’s conference and there is a man running sound or standing in back? You are not intentionally teaching him. Just curious. Thank you. This article was well thought out. I was skeptical about Ann Voskamp but did not know for certain she was a false teacher.


    1. Hi Nicki-

      Regarding your book (I’m assuming it’s a Bible study), there’s nothing wrong with using an occasional illustration to demonstrate or explain a biblical point. Pastors do that in their sermons. I do it myself in my writing. What I’m talking about in the article is teachers who basically use stories and personal life experience in place of the Bible. They might have a Bible verse or two sprinkled in here and there, but their teaching centers around stories and experiences, where a good teacher will have Scripture as the main focus of her teaching.

      For your second question, click here and see #2. Running sound, no problem. He’s not there to be taught the Bible. Standing in back- it would depend on what he’s there for. If he’s there to be taught the Bible, it doesn’t really matter if he’s standing in the back or sitting up front. That would be inappropriate.


  13. I’ve been watching a pastor by the name of Michael Todd from Transformation Church. I’m having trouble discerning whether he is a false teacher or not and was wondering what advice you could give in practicing discernment.


    1. Hi Amber- Were you able to test him against the criteria in this article (particularly whether he allows women to preach at his church, and whether he associates with known false teachers – those are the two easiest to find out)?


  14. Thsnk you so muh for your rescourse! I have always been accused of being a Barean, and some of my slosest reiends highly subscribe to many of the Women on your False Teachers list. Makes me very sad.
    My question is weather or not I can send a link to your site to a man. He is a new convert; finding and listening to false teachers like Joyce Meyers on youtube. I would like to steer hime awy from these, and instruct him as to why. I think sending him your link falls under the o.k. to do area, but I’d like your input.
    Thank you so much for all the time you devote to your ministry here. I know how exhausting and time consuming it is!


    1. Hi Lois- Yes, it would be absolutely fine to send him whichever links you like. He may find the “Recommended Bible Teachers” tab (in the blue menu bar at the top of this page) to be helpful. There are lots of great (male) pastors and teachers there that he would find edifying and encouraging. :0)


  15. Hello, Michelle. I’m curious to know if someone who is medically intersex should be considered a man or a woman for the purposes of appropriate church roles. i’m not sure if the Bible addresses that or not.


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