Doctrinally Sound Teachers

10 More Biblically Sound Blogs and Podcasts by Christian Women

10 blogs

This article has been updated and moved. You can now find it at:

Doctrinally Sound Christian Women to Follow – 2

30 thoughts on “10 More Biblically Sound Blogs and Podcasts by Christian Women”

  1. Hi Michelle, I have been looking all over your site to see if you have anything to say about Revive Our Hearts or Nancy. Anything?


  2. Hi! I was wondering if you have any information on Elizabeth George? She has written many books including A woman after God’s own heart. Is she biblically sound?


  3. I have seen where you endorse blogs and podscast but what about authors. What would suggest for a woman’s group study?


    1. Nancy has a reputation for being doctrinally sound and as far as I know, she is. I am not very familiar with her, but none of my readers have asked about her (which is usually a good sign) and no red flags about her have been brought to my attention. As with anyone’s materials (including mine) read discerningly and compare everything to rightly handled Scripture. Hope this helps. :0)


  4. Hey, Michelle! Just an update – I’m no longer on Facebook for Solid Food Resources. The Facebook link you have to Solid Food Ministries is not actually mine. I have no idea if that Solid Food Ministries is actually sound or not. 🙂
    Thanks for including me! -Debi (of Solid Food Resources)


  5. Hi Michelle
    I’ve recently been encouraged by The Daily Grace and She proves faithful podcasts. Good reformed content for younger Christian women.


  6. I did not see Joanna weaver on your list of biblically sound teachers.have you had the opportunity to check her out yet.


    1. Hi Mariah- I read both of Joanna’s Mary & Martha books years ago. I don’t recall any major heresy or anything like that, but I also was less spiritually mature and discerning back then than I am now. Also, it’s possible her theology may have taken a downward turn since I read her books. This resource may help as you research her.


  7. Have you done any research on the author Elizabeth George ? I tried Google in To see if she was considered a false teacher but I couldn’t come up with anything valis there anything valid so I thought that I would go go to someone Who is an expert at successfully spotting Bixby False teachers so any help or advice vice would be much appreciated I look forward to hearing from you soon.


    1. Hi Chrissy- I haven’t done any research on her. Here’s what little I know: a) She has a reputation for being doctrinally sound. b) I’ve been following her on social media for a couple of years and I haven’t noticed her posting anything questionable. c) It’s my understanding she had some sort of connection to John MacArthur’s church in the past (can’t remember if she was just a member there, or involved in some sort of ministry, or what – I think I saw that on Wikipedia). If you’d like to research her for yourself, this article may help.


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