Church, Complementarianism, Worship

Six Questions for a Potential Church

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Have you ever had to look for a new church? Even with recommendations from godly friends, it can be hard to know which churches and pastors are doctrinally sound, and, of those doctrinally sound churches (because you certainly don’t want to go to one that isn’t doctrinally sound), which ones would be a good fit for your family.

There are lots of great articles out there with good, probing questions you should ask about the theology and doctrine of a church you’re considering. (I would recommend this one, this one, and this one. Also, make sure you understand these doctrinal issues and that the church you’re considering lines up with Scripture on these issues.) However, there are times when the answers to these types of questions don’t give you the whole picture of what is actually going on in a church on a day to day basis. In other words, sorry to say, a church can give you all the right answers on paper (or on their web site), but their practices don’t mirror those answers. Additionally, there are some non-doctrinal issues that are important to know about that questions about soteriology, baptism, biblical inerrancy, etc., won’t give you the answers to.

My husband and I are currently looking for a new church for our family. Since we are Southern Baptist and somewhat familiar with the handful of Southern Baptist churches we’re looking at, we already know the answers to the most important questions (the inspiration of Scripture, the divinity of Christ, the way of salvation, etc.) But I want to zoom in a little more on the finer points of belief and practices of these churches, so here are some questions I might ask the pastor of the church we would potentially join.

Which Christian authors have had the biggest impact on
your life, beliefs, and ministry?

When I ask this question (and look over the pastor’s shoulder at the titles on his bookshelf), I’m listening for the names of authors and pastors, living or dead, that I know are committed to sound biblical doctrine. If I hear a name like Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, Andy Stanley, Steven Furtick, Perry Noble, Rick Warren, Beth Moore, or any Word of Faith or New Apostolic Reformation personality, I’m going back to ask more probing doctrinal questions. If I hear multiple names like those, I’m outta there.

Are you/this church complementarian or egalitarian?

Now you may not be familiar with those terms but any Christian pastor should be. It is a current issue in evangelicalism, and it’s part of his job to stay abreast of such things. I’m not looking for a pastor to be an expert on this topic, but he should be familiar with the terms and have a working understanding of the issues at play as well as the applicable Scriptures, and he should embrace and practice complementarianism as the biblical position.

Because I have been given the right “on paper” answer to this question in the past only to find out later that the church’s practices didn’t match up with its profession, I will probably ask the follow up question: “In what positions of leadership are women currently serving? Do any of them hold authority over men or instruct men in the Scriptures?” If I hear that women are (or would be allowed to in the future) teaching co-ed adult Sunday School classes, giving instruction during the worship service, serving on committees in which they hold biblically inappropriate authority over men, etc., that’s problematic.

Can you give me some examples, from any time during your career as a pastor, of church discipline issues that have arisen and how you have handled them?

I’m looking for three things here. First, what does this pastor think constitutes a church discipline issue? If he thinks it’s necessary to discipline a female church member for wearing pants instead of a skirt, that’s an issue, because he’s disciplining someone who’s not sinning. If he doesn’t think it’s necessary to discipline church members who are unmarried yet cohabiting, that’s an issue because he’s not disciplining people who are sinning. Church discipline should only be exercised over unrepentant sinful behavior.

Second, is he afraid to exercise church discipline? Generally speaking, someone who has been a pastor for many years and has never handled a church discipline issue is either woefully ignorant of the biblical requirement of a pastor to rebuke those in sin, or he is afraid to rock the boat because he might get fired. Both of these are huge red flags.

Third, how does he exercise church discipline? Does he follow the steps outlined in Matthew 18 and other Scriptures with a heart to see the church member repent and be reconciled to Christ and the church body? Is he harsh and condemning? Is he firm enough in his resolve to carry all the way through to disfellowshipping a church member if necessary?

How much oversight do you (or an associate pastor or elder)
have over the women’s ministry at this church?

With this question, I’m trying to find out how much the pastor knows about what’s actually going on inside the women’s ministry (if they have one) and how much responsibility he takes to make sure all teaching and activities are in line with Scripture. Does he research and approve all teaching materials before a women’s Bible study commences? Does a women’s ministry director have complete autonomy over all materials and activities? Are all of the women in leadership positions in the women’s ministry godly and spiritually mature? Would any of the women’s ministry leadership raise a stink if someone showed them from Scripture that a Bible teacher whose materials they use or a women’s ministry activity they enjoy is unbiblical?

Does the music ministry at this church follow a
minister of music model or a concert model?

There’s nothing wrong with Christian concerts per se, but my husband and I feel strongly (notice, I did not say “the Bible says”) that the worship service is not the place for one. We believe that a minister of music, preferably one who is ordained to the ministry, should lead and take responsibility for the church’s worship in a pastoral role. He should be trained in the Scriptures, preferably at seminary, in order to rightly handle and apply them to the music portion of the worship service and other music programs. He should also be trained in music theory and conducting so that he is able to lead in the practical aspects of music.

By contrast, we do not believe that making the music portion of the service like a concert, in which a band gets up and plays in a dark room with a laser light show and a smoke machine and the congregation can sing along if they want to, if they happen to know the songs, and if they are able to follow the ad libbing of the lead singer, is conducive to worship. We believe this tends to make the worship band into entertainers and the congregation into spectators, whereas the minister of music model fosters an atmosphere of “we’re all pulling together to do the work of worship as a unified body.”

This is not about contemporary music versus hymns, it is about one worship model versus another. It is our conviction (again, not a biblical mandate, but our strongly held conviction) after more than two decades in music ministry ourselves, that the minister of music model – regardless of the genre of worship music used – is the one most conducive to strong, biblical congregational worship. So this is something we’re going to want to know about, even though it is not necessarily a doctrinal issue.

Do you preach topically or expositorily or both?

Topical preaching is when the pastor selects a topic to preach on (parenting, money, etc.) and uses biblical passages that apply to that topic to form his sermon. Pastors who preach expositorily usually preach through a book of the Bible from beginning to end before moving on to the next book.

Both are valid forms of preaching as long as God’s word is rightly handled and applied. However, it has been my experience that pastors who preach exclusively topically have more of a tendency to lift Bible verses out of their context in order to make them fit the topic they’re preaching. This is usually not as much of an issue for pastors who preach expositorily because they are simply preaching the Word, verse by verse, in its context.

Additionally, expository preaching gives church members a better understanding of Scripture and how it fits together, and exposes them more thoroughly to a wider range of biblical truth than exclusively topical preaching does. Therefore, I am looking for a pastor whose preaching style leans mostly towards expository, but who isn’t afraid to preach topically if he believes the church needs instruction on a certain topic.

So, those are some of the questions I’m thinking about asking. What questions would you ask when considering a new church?

For more resources on finding a new church, or what to look for in a church, click the Searching for a new church? tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page.

17 thoughts on “Six Questions for a Potential Church”

  1. Where’s the print button? I would like to print out for further study. I have issues with my eyes on the computer screen and do better with print. Is there a printer friendly version? Or am I just not seeing it… pun intended


    1. Hi Lorna- At the very bottom of the article you’ll see a button marked “share”. Hover your mouse over that button and a dropdown will appear that contains a “print” button. You can also copy/paste the body of the article into your word processing program so that you can adjust the size of the font before printing if that would help.


  2. Hi Michelle, I found this article extremely helpful. I do have one question, could you expamd on what you mean by “minister of music model”? Thanks so much.


    1. Hi Rebecca- #4 in this article may help explain a little more.

      From the perspective of someone in the congregation, the concert model looks like a concert given by a popular Christian artist. Often, the house lights are down and the spotlights and other special effects lighting, smoke machine, video show, etc., are up. Much of the time you feel like a spectator watching a performance rather than an active participant in the task of worship. The “worship leader” usually calls attention to himself, his singing, his artistry with ad libbing, showy vocal trills, spontaneous changes to the words, melody, timing, and dynamics of the music, etc., making it difficult and uncomfortable for the congregation to attempt to sing with him.

      The minister of music model looks more like a pastor stepping into the pulpit, but instead of preaching, he leads the congregation in singing. Normally, the house lights are up, no SFX lighting, smoke machine, videos, etc. In addition to pastoring the congregation theologically as I mentioned in this article and the one I linked above, the minister of music selects hymns/worship songs that are singable. They’re not too high or low for the average person, there aren’t a lot of complicated bridges, codas, and repeats to follow. He doesn’t ad lib or throw in spontaneous changes during the song. He doesn’t show off his talent, but sings the music, pretty much as written, with the congregation. He isn’t there to be the star of the show. He’s there in a “we’re all in this together” mindset to guide the flock in the task of musical worship.

      I’m not sure if that will answer your question or not, so if you have a more specific question, feel free to ask. It’s a little clearer if you’ve been to both types of churches. There’s just a completely different “feel” to the two different models.


  3. Oh wow this article is very helpful! I have been looking for a new church for about t two years now.. (passively looking been working alot..)

    Theres so many churches in Minnesota its so overwhelming. I used to go redeeming love church and calvary chapel in st paul, redeeming after a while just seemed too large and difficult to connect with people, calvary chapel was good but I still felt like I couldn’t settle there and I evem used to go to stadium village in minneapolis…

    I guess its also more difficult because I also want to find a church with people who can speak spanish.. as I would like to get my parents to go if possible..

    I pray I can find a good solid biblical church, and that God will help me stay grounded and not be so aimless in my search.


  4. I also was involved at a community called “Godtown” in st paul. It was a great place.. but at some point they were involved with Todd White, and they endorsed visions and prophesying and spiritual gifts…

    I dont know where to begin my search…


      1. I’m curious…is there an issue with a church that endorses visions, prophesying & spiritual gifts? If so, what would that be?


  5. WOW, spot on! After God removing our blinders at a local seeker mega church we are searching for such a church you described and one would think they’d be everywhere but after visiting many thats not the case. Most we have visited are very similar to what we left, a concert in a fancy building but VERY young worldly dressed tatted folks and a 25min feel good love/peace topical TED talk. NO NO NO! We loved one church that was expository and a John MacArther grad, but then they sand hillsong/bethel wolves songs, yikes seriously? Actually we liked another but they too sang those groups. Still looking for a real Acts church as you described. ;0(


    1. Hi Dave- I know it can be really hard to find a good church. I’m taking a moment to pray that God will direct you to a great church family very soon. In case you haven’t found it yet, be sure to check out the “Searching for a new church?” tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page.


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