Welcome & FAQs- Start Here!

Welcome! I’m so glad to invite you into my “home” in the blogosphere!

Have you ever walked into a stranger’s house and looked around, but didn’t quite know what to expect until you got to know the person a bit better? Well, it’s a little harder to “get to know” a blog/blogger just by stumbling through her front door, so to speak, so I thought I’d try to make it a little easier with this “shortcut” page.

If you’d like to know more about me, personally (or if you’re an event planner looking for my bio for your publicity materials), click on the “Bio” tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page. If you’d like an in depth look at what I believe, doctrinally, click on the “Statement of Faith” tab.

In a nutshell, I’m:

  • A middle aged mom/stepmom of 5 young men and 1 young woman in their twenties and thirties, and a new mom (mother-in-law) to my growing brood of their spouses.
  • A home school mom veteran 
  • A women’s Bible study author, teacher, and speaker
  • A former pastor’s wife (my husband is a retired minister of music)
  • A genuinely regenerated Protestant, Southern Baptist, Calvinist/Reformed Baptist, cessationist, anti-Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel/New Apostolic Reformation, abortion abolitionist, broad complementarian/biblical patriarchalist, conservative Christian who believes the 66 canonized books of the Bible are breathed out by God, true, and sufficient for all aspects of Christian life. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
  •  A person who believes the Bible when it says that homosexuality (and all other sexual immorality) is a sin. It is a sin that can be forgiven just like any other sin.
  • A person who believes the Bible when it says that women are not topastor, instruct (preach, teach, etc.) men in the Scriptures, or hold authority over men in the gathering of the Body. I’ve explained more about that here if you’re interested.
  • Someone who deeply desires that you come to know Christ as Savior by repenting of your sin and placing your faith in His death, burial, and resurrection as the payment for the penalty (an eternity in Hell) for your sin, so that you might live free and forgiven and spend eternity with Christ in Heaven.


Just wanted to be clear, there.

If you’ve come here expecting something that is contrary to what I’ve outlined above, you’re probably going to be disappointed and/or angered by what I write. I’m OK with that. You are free to believe whatever you like, and I will never try to argue you out of your beliefs. I hope you’ll extend those same courtesies to me.

Warning Against False Teachers:

I realize it takes people by surprise who haven’t been trained in biblical discernment, but out of love for my sisters in Christ, I do, biblically and unashamedly, warn against false teachers. If you are considering commenting or sending me an e-mail objecting to this, please click here and read this article first. Your objection is most likely answered here. I don’t publish comments or answer emails that are answered by this article.

Have you ever written an article about____?

The quickest way to get the answer to this question is to use the search bar located at the very bottom of each page of the blog. You may also find what you’re looking for under one of the tabs in the blue menu bar at the top of each page.

Got a question?

Maybe I’ve already answered it. Check out my article The Mailbag: Top 10 FAQs.

Book Reviews:

While I’m humbled and honored that any author might seek my opinion on her work, with rare exceptions for people I’m close to or who have served as mentors to me, I don’t write solicited book reviews or provide feedback to authors on their work. I simply don’t have the time.

Comment Parameters:

I handle comments manually. That means there will be a delay before the comment you’ve submitted is published (if it conforms to the parameters below).

This is a Bible-based, gospel-centered, Christian blog written primarily for and to Christian women. While I welcome readers and commenters of any background or belief, I do not welcome, publish, or respond to every comment that is submitted. Your comment will not be published or responded to if:

  • It requires a response from me that would take too much time to write. While I love hearing from readers, it simply takes too much time away from my family to engage in long, in depth, or teaching conversations in the comments section of my articles. Therefore, I do not respond to (and often, do not publish) blog comments which require more than five minutes of my time to answer.  Please click here for more information.
  • It contains profanity, vulgarity, name calling, or questions my salvation or the salvation of others who share the beliefs I’ve outlined above.
  • It is written in an angry, vicious, or “looking for a fight” tone. This blog is a “living room,” not a street fight. If you’re looking for a place to fight, please go somewhere else. No one is forcing you to subscribe to or follow this blog, and if you’re trying to argue me out of my beliefs as outlined above, you’re wasting your time.
  • It contains a defense or favorable presentation of false doctrine or anything else that is in conflict with Scripture (as outlined above). While I’m certainly capable of refuting false doctrine scripturally, again, I simply don’t have the time or energy to do so beyond what I write in my articles, and I will not publish false doctrine without refuting it.
  • It is an objection to the fact that I warn against false teachers (see “Warning Against False Teachers” above).
  • It indicates that you haven’t read the article you’re commenting on because you’ve asked a question or raised an issue that’s clearly addressed in the article. (On these comments, I do go back and re-read the article, and if I feel I’ve been unclear, I will clarify.)
  • It’s clearly spam. Sharing articles or links that are relevant to the article you’re commenting on is fine, though.
  • I’ve closed the comments section on a handful of articles. That means I won’t be posting any more comments on that article anywhere on this blog. Please don’t attempt to comment about one article in the comments section of an unrelated article or page simply because I’ve closed comments on an article you want to respond to. Your comment will not be posted.

E-mail and Social Media:

The above parameters also generally apply to any e-mails you might send me or to comments, posts, or private messages on my social media pages.

While I love hearing from readers, answering the overwhelming amount of correspondence I receive simply takes too much time away from my family. Except for correspondence related to speaking engagements I am not able to respond to most e-mails and social media private messages, nor can I speak on the phone in response to questions. Please click here for more information.

Where can I buy your book, Jacob: Journaling the Journey?

Jacob is no longer in print, and that’s a good thing! I wrote it before learning good hermeneutics and how to handle God’s Word properly. You can probably still find copies of it at online merchants, but I would not recommend that you buy or use it. If you want a good Bible study, the best thing is to simply pick up the Bible and study it for yourself. Right now, I have no plans to rewrite Jacob for future re-release.

231 thoughts on “Welcome & FAQs- Start Here!”

      1. Michelle, thank you so much for what you do. I cannot begin to express how I count on your research to assist me with vetting Bible Studies for the ladies in our church. You must know it is not a ministry you accept if your goal is to climb to the top of the popularity grid. Some prefer to remain in denial even when presented with the evidence in grace and love. Again, thank you. Also, do you have any information on a lovely woman by the name of Jennifer Rothschild? She is an author of women’s “Bible” studies? On her website she joyfully commented that she shared the stage with Ann Voscamp and even praised Ann’s presentation. One more thing, is there anyway you have a list of authors of Bible studies both men and women you recommend. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find those that are doctrinally solid. I so appreciate any additional assistance that you can provide.

        By the way, this is the first time I’ve written to you though I’ve been eating at your table for months now. Thank you for heeding His call. In HIM, jane


      2. Hi Jane-

        Yes, you’re right. Although many kind women like you have written in to encourage and thank me for helping them, I also get a lot of nasty comments and name calling. It can be discouraging, but that goes with the territory :0)

        Although I’ve heard of Jennifer Rothschild, I have never read any of her materials or heard her speak. I would encourage you to compare what she teaches and her behavior/practices to Scripture as well as look at the people she consistently quotes, endorses, and partners with. Associating with Ann Voskamp is worrisome, but perhaps it was a one time thing, someone corrected her afterwards, and she’s not planning to do it again. (Let’s hope.)

        As to Bible study, I normally encourage women to simply pick up the Bible and study it for themselves in a systematic way without relying on a pre-packaged book study.

        However, if you feel you need the help of a study written by someone else, there’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve written some studies that you can find under the “Bible Studies” tab at the top of this page. I’ve also written a couple of articles recommending doctrinally sound women writers. You can find those here and here.

        There are lots of male writers out there that I would recommend as well, and I encourage women not to feel like they have to exclusively use materials written by women. Charles Spurgeon’s “Morning and Evening” is excellent. I would recommend anything by him, J.C. Ryle, A.W.Tozer, A.W. Pink, nearly all of the Puritans, John MacArthur, Steve Lawson, Nathan Busenitz, Kevin DeYoung, Art Azurdia, Todd Friel, Chris Rosebrough, and many others.

        Thanks again for your kindness and encouragement. It means so much. :0)

        Liked by 2 people

  1. As a Christian who is disheartened by the condition of the “Christian church” in America and the world, I welcome insight from a like-minded younger woman. I follow “LightHouse Trails” and “Berean Call” to help keep me informed on the condition of Christianity. The Holy Bible is my ultimate “go to source” for truth. It seems a remnant will ultimately be the true church of Jesus Christ. God bless you as you join others of us sojourning for the Truth.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you!!! It is so hard to find honest critiques of Lisa TurKeurst, and I feel affirmed. I left that bible-or rather, book study and those church friendships are becoming cold. Then I got slammed by my local ‘Moms in Prayer International’ prayer group, when the regional coordinator decided to visit our group and ‘soak us in prayer and she actually prophesied over me horrible false things about my daughter, when I protested, she told me I was ‘blocking and quenching the Holy Spirit.’ I had to leave that group too, because of the ecumenical and mystical bent. I was also duped and swept up by Women of Faith conferences for a couple years too. What a waste of money and emotion! I’ve been a born again Christian for seven years, and it has been a fascinating but bumpy road. I’m learning to untangle from all these false groups because of reading and seeking to understand scripture, and that by the power of the Holy Spirit and mercy and grace of God! Very narrow gate and narrow way indeed! Thank you again! Liz P. In CT

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Hi Liz-

        I’m glad to be of help and encouragement. I’m sorry for the things you’ve experienced. If it’s any consolation, you are not alone. I hear from women just like you with similar experiences every day. I know it’s discouraging. Just keep in the word, keep in prayer, and keep finding your joy in Jesus. One day all this will be over :0)

        Liked by 3 people

  2. I just read your article about Lysa Terkeurst . I have to say it makes me rather sad. I have a rather extensive word of faith background, i”m afraid. … I have been to IHOP and to Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship. I did not like either… however, I have read a lot of Lysa’s stuff and have really liked her… being from the WOF stuff, I have to say that , while I have been in CHURCH for many years, I have only been SAVED for less than 2… January 2014. I find myself getting depressed when I read stuff like that ( nothing against you though) because I honestly can’t figure out who IS okay to listen to , especially in female teachers. seems they are all bad . I don’t seem to have the capabilitites at this point to figure out WHY they are wrong , and it seems hard to pick out the good ones. I thought Lysa was very good, so I apparently don’t seem to have a very good grasp on what is acceptable and what is not

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Crystal-

      It’s probably not much consolation, but I know how you feel. Like I said in the article, I put off researching Lysa for a while because I couldn’t take the constant disappointment of finding out that the latest, greatest female teacher on the scene was teaching unbiblical doctrine.

      I’m sorry to say that, with the possible exception of one or two, ALL of the best known/best selling female Bible teachers today are teaching false doctrine. If you’re interested, I’ve compiled a couple of lists of doctrinally sound women writers/teachers who have a good track record of being doctrinally solid (http://wp.me/p1qdEF-1eZ and http://wp.me/p1qdEF-1kX). You’ve probably never heard of any of them, but they’re out there.

      I would also recommend many fabulous male teachers out there (no law that says we gals can’t listen to men! :0) such as John MacArthur, Chris Rosebrough, Steve Lawson, Todd Friel, Alistair Begg, Phil Johnson, Al Mohler, and more.

      Don’t be discouraged. We all want to be spiritual giants overnight, but sanctification is a long process, and non of us actually arrive until we meet Jesus face to face. It sounds like maybe you’re having to unlearn some things from your past church experiences. I’ve gone through that, too, and it can be emotionally draining and frustrating.

      If I may offer you something that has been a great encouragement to me, you might enjoy a Google+ group I’m in called “Naomi’s Table.” (http://naomistable.com/about/our-g-group/) It’s a casual community of doctrinally sound Christian women at all stages of spiritual maturity who help each other out with questions, talk about spiritual struggles, pray for each other, share suggestions of biblical authors and teachers, and warn about unbiblical ones.

      And, of course, you are welcome to e-mail me (see “contact” tab above) if you ever have a question or want to check out an author or teacher you’re not sure about. I do my best to keep up with who’s legit and who’s not, and if I don’t know, I’ll find out for you.

      I know things can seem overwhelming and discouraging at times. Don’t worry, it’s only temporary. It’ll be worth it all when we see our precious Savior :0)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. oh my , I thank you so much. I followed the link to ” naomi’s table” and asked to join. I would love to have some solid christian women to kind of talk to in that. I did the submission page thing and we shall see if I’m accepted, and THANK you for allowing me to email YOU with questions. its confusing , that is for sure sometimes. I will look at those other links for the women . I actually like John macarthur… I have his study bible, and Todd friel ( isn’t he the guy who does the wretched? I ‘ve listened to several of those ) . I also Like Ray comfort . I have heard of alaister begg but have not really listened to a lot of his teaching at this point. thank you so much for replying michelle

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You are so welcome, hon. Ladies like you are the reason I do what I do :0)

        Yes, Todd is the host of Wretched (one of my favorites!). If you like Wretched, I’d encourage you to listen to Chris Rosebrough’s program, Fighting for the Faith (www.fightingforthefaith.com). His program is more focused on teaching discernment and demonstrating from Scripture how false teachers deviate from God’s word. His goal is to teach you how to listen to/read someone’s stuff and compare it to Scripture for yourself so you can know who’s rightly teaching you God’s word and who’s not. I do need to give you a heads up that, while Todd is more on the gentle side, Chris is more direct and blunt. His style can take some getting used to, but his content is well worth it.

        I think you will enjoy Naomi’s Table. Whenever a reader asks me about a questionable teacher I’ve never heard of, I just head over there and ask, and someone is always able to give me some information. Plus, they’re just a bunch of nice ladies. :0) And feel free to come hang out with me on social media (tab above) too if you like.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. This may be a little late in response to the article you wrote about Lysa TerKeurst, but I wanted to comment and say thank you for pointing out false teaching. I came across her book ‘Craving God’ at the local Christian store on discount (guess that should have alerted me), and thought it might be one more devotional I would stick on my shelf. After having a moderate collection of Christian books I decided it was high time to ‘clean’ house and really look into all these different authors, if they are not Biblical, they must go. No fluffy, vanilla devotionals (or other books) do I want on my shelves. So thank you for posting your info on her. Christians must really stand firm against teachings that our damaging the true Gospel of Christ. Sola scriptura.


  4. Hi Michelle. I appreciated your article on the Proverbs 31 Ministry. I have a question I regards to If:Gathering. Several of the women leading this group seem to have ties with emergent churches and other questionable churches. Have you researched this movement? Thank you


    1. I have not looked into it too much, but my friends Christine and Elizabeth have. (See their articles here and here.) It is not a group I would recommend, especially considering Ann Voskamp’s and Christine Caine’s involvement.


  5. Thank you for your blog on Proverbs 31 ministry. I have been alarmed at the suttle ways the enemy is infiltrating false teaching into otherwise seemingly sound Christian formats. I am currently trying to get my mother to see the danger of reading from Jimmy Swaggerts Expositor’s study bible. Their is absolutely no way to be protected from false doctrine than keeping close to the unadulterated written word of God!


  6. I just want to thank you for your diligent research in finding and searching out for false teachers and publicizing them here on your websites. I have several lady Christian bloggers that I subscribe to, and I would love to send you an email of my list so that you can give me proof of what type of teacher they are. I haven’t really looked into a lot of their beliefs, but I want to make sure that I want follow a blog of someone that I’m following the right type of women. I’ve been saved for 6 years and am 39 years old and have both taught and shown in God’s Word about women not teaching men. I have a very strong conviction in my heart about this. So any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I remember reading that most of the most poplar authors now days are false teachers so I’m very hesitate about whose books to read and whose blogs to follow.


    1. Hi Amy-

      The “Femme Fatales” tab at the top of this page may help answer your question. I’ve got some information there on some popular false teachers as well as some great godly women bloggers and authors. If, after looking that over, you still have some names you want to run by me, please do email me. I’ll be glad to help if I can. :0)


    1. You’re welcome :0) I’ve heard of Kyle, I’m aware of (but haven’t read) his book Not a Fan, and I’ve listened to this analysis of one of his sermons. That’s the extent of my knowledge of him.


  7. Thanks for Lisa Engel’s post about the things she wants in a church 3/7/23016.

    I would like to add a caution about depending on the male leaders of the church to oversee the choice of Bible study a group will study. That only results in a godly study being chosen when the men actually work through the study themselves to make sure it is all Biblical and when the men are knowledgeable about the Bible and thinking about it and believing it all.

    I would like to add a couple of things I would like to see in a church:

    1. No Eastern religion practices at all: no contemplative prayer, no labyrinths, no silent retreats, no breath prayers, and more .

    2. Prayer for Israel and the Jews, whom God loves and has plans for.

    3. Prayer and action for the persecuted church around the world.


  8. Micelle, Wow thank you for your article on women in combat. I know I don’t have a blog or write articles and don’t receive the enormous attacks that you do, but I have a platform on facebook and have been in quite a few battles. So thank you. You bless me. May God shine His favor on you today and the many days ahead.


  9. Bless you Chavril Woman of God!
    Keep studying & seeking the Father’s heart. Recognise the times, the behaviours, the translators, & the original language meaning & context regarding women.
    Also understand gifting distribution.


  10. Hi Michelle I’ve recently felt prompted to study more about doctrine pertaining to sound Christian doctrine. I have read through your website and the majority of women preachers I have heard about seem to appear on your not recommended list of false teachers. Can you please also provide a similar list for all your recommended Christian sound doctrine women preachers? The bible is obviously the primary source of teaching. It would be a great benefit to not only know whose on the list of not recommended but also whose on the recommended list to refer to? I would appreciate a short list of recommended sound doctrine women teachers either via email or posted on your website. Thanks


    1. Hi Daisy-

      It’s so great to hear that you want to study about sound doctrine more! If you’ll click on the “popular false teachers” tab at the top of the page and scroll down to the bottom of it, you’ll find links to two lists of doctrinally sound women just above the video. But there are FAR more doctrinally sound male pastors and teachers out there than female, so be sure you’re not limiting yourself to women. There’s a link to a list of men right there next to the lists of women.

      Happy listening/reading! :0)


      1. I know you said the app YouVersion supports false teachers. Is there a Bible app out there that you believe is acceptable to use?


    2. I was wondering if u heard of Vicky Adkins she seems sound also have u heard of Rocky Fleming the journey to the inner chamber influencer. Org men teach the men and woman teach woman. I wanted to email you but didn’t know how.


  11. I was wondering if you would share exactly what you have found to be Beth Moore’s false teaching? I have a few Christian friends who are ‘sold’ on her and since I have never read or listened to her I am not able to address this with them.


  12. “Give me church ladies or I die…”

    Umm, no. Give me JESUS or I die. Give me God’s word or I die.

    Supporting scripture:
    John 3:16
    John 6:63

    You stress the importance of teaching doctrine but your
    motto is to rely on church ladies as your life support? Something is sadly amiss here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think what’s amiss is that you neglected to click on the link which explains my tag line. Go back up to the section of this page that says, “Give Me Church Ladies or I Die?” and you’ll see where it says “click here.” Click on the word “here” and you’ll find your questions answered.


  13. Thank you Michelle for your articles. Christine Pack posted your Nine Reasons Women are Leaving Your Church which I read with great appreciation. I (we) left the one church I thought I could trust in America (having lived overseas as an MK/missionary for 40 years) after becoming leery of their promotion of Beth Moore and not hearing very much of Jesus Christ and Him crucified for our sins. It has been very hard, because that community was where our kids made friends in the USA. I pray our kids understand how much right doctrine is worth, and that sometimes our “suffering” for the gospel means making hard choices of leaving “comfortable” groups, if they do not confess the faith. We have found a solid confessional Lutheran church and are well pastored there. Thanks be to God!


  14. I have loved following your site. I have tried to share the site with other church ladies, but little success. Our ladies group have been doing Kelly Minter books, so when I read what you shared about Kelly, I was surprised. I shared this information with the gal that facilitates the Ladies Bible Study, she became angry. Is there any more information I can share to help me convince her that this may not be the best study for the ladies? The gal who facilitates the Ladies Bible studies, said she didn’t have time to research your site.


    1. Hi Barbara-

      Unfortunately, that’s an all too common reaction from women’s ministry leaders, and sometimes pastors/elders. It’s not an issue of needing additional evidence, it’s an issue of “I’m enamored of this person because her teaching makes me feel good and woe to anyone who says anything against her (even if it’s biblical).” It’s a heart issue. People would rather have their ears tickled than make the hard choice of being loyal to Christ and His word above all else. The best thing you can do is to pray fervently that the Holy Spirit would change their hearts and leave the door open for them to ask you questions or discuss these things with you. If your pastor, an elder, or whoever oversees the women’s ministry is discerning and open to the evidence, it would be a good idea to talk to him, as well.

      I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. I know it’s probably little consolation, but you are not alone. I’ve heard this story many many times from other godly women. Keep on keeping on :0)


    1. Hi Shannon- Charisma magazine is notorious for promoting false doctrine and false teachers. I wouldn’t trust them for a weather report. Furthermore, the author, Felicity Dale, is an egalitarian and has a feminist agenda. This article, like most others at Charisma, takes Scripture out of context and does not come to a biblical conclusion. My thoughts on 1 Timothy 2:12 are here. CBMW is a great resource on the biblical roles of men and women. Hope this helps :0)


  15. Oh Michelle!

    I love you for telling the truth and steering me toward Godly teachers who cut the Word straight. I am friends with a gay couple, one of whom had a “church” ceremony to marry another man. He was about to invite me to his wedding, but the LORD stopped him. As it turns out, the report I received from 2 Christians who attended this ceremony was that it was performed in a local Roman Catholic church by an RC priest. At the end, they jumped the broom and had a friend cast a spell for good fortune. I pray for and have witnessed to my friends. I am a former RC, I know attending a mass or ceremony like this is complete blasphemy; not to mention opening myself to being demonized. My loyalty is to the LORD; I am on His side. Thank you, Lynn


    1. Thanks, Lynn! Just to set your mind at ease, while it’s not good for a Christian to be around the sorts of things you mentioned, it’s not because you can become “demonized”. People who have genuinely been born again cannot be possessed by demons :0)


  16. Dear Michelle, I am curious how you interpret 1Cor. 11:4-16. I agree with you that women should not be teaching the men and so I would like to know what you think of this scripture. Do women not need to cover their heads when they pray? It clearly says we should. I would appreciate your thoughts on this.


  17. Hi Michelle,

    I found your blog when doing a search about Lysa TerKeurst. I read your article where you shared your concerns about Lysa not being a sound Biblical teacher and she has aligned herself with false and questionable teachers. I thank you for the well written and documented article.

    I have been following her on Twitter and when I read her tweets, there’s just something that seems amiss. I’ve wondered why she doesn’t post a Scripture verses, but instead shares her personal quotes that have a little of Bible and a little bit of the world mixed together.

    I appreciate what you do and look forward to reading other blog post. You give your readers a lot to think about.

    Thank so much…Susan Wachtel


    1. Hi Susan-

      Welcome! Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. I’m blessed and humbled that I might have been helpful to you in some small way. Although I often fail at it, my desire is always to point women back to God’s word and encourage them as they serve in their homes and local churches. Glad to have you aboard :0)


  18. I had asked you a few months ago about Sheila Walsh and you directed me to a great article which helped me to take the initiative to warn our Women’s Ministry teacher who was about to study one of her books. I was the only one I guess who had enough courage to do it and as a result they cancelled the study and replaced it with a true Biblical study. Sadly though, recently our pastor who has been preaching in 1 Corinthians brought up gray areas in the Bible such as drinking, smoking, etc. At the end it was painfully obvious that he felt that drinking and other harmful practices were permissible, that it was a gray area and that we had “Christian liberty”. Then, to top it off we have found that he is ok with “Jesus Calling” as a devotional. And sadly, we are seeing compromise in other areas as well, with the “worship” which is becoming more and more like a rock concert. We have had to make the decision to leave which is hard, we don’t like going from church to church. Your article “Build a Wall and Station a Guard” was wonderful and sadly the wall we thought was being built in our church is crumbling. I’ve listened to quite a few women tell me what they “think” true Christianity is and I am stunned by the amount of New Age talk coming out of their mouths and when I try to warn them, I am shunned, and all this to say, He is worth it, proclaiming His truth is worth it, no matter how much they don’t want to hear it, He is worth it. You told another woman about some great pastors to listen to, I highly recommend R.C. Sproul and his “The Holiness of God” sermons and courses on the Holiness of God. We all need a lesson on God’s Holiness. Thank you Michelle for all you do and that you are so full of grace in what you do.


      1. I was widowed a year ago & a divorced man asked me to marry him but my pastor said it was absolutely forbidden. Can you please help me with this issue? The entire world is divorced!


  19. Hi Michelle, just literally stumbled across your blog and love what I see. Thank you for your ministry. Just read your article on Lisa of Proverbs 31. I followed her for a time on FB but something just did not seem quite right. Now I know why. Thanks again. I would love to share your blog with some lady Bible teachers at our church. I am part of a conservative verse by verse Bible teaching church but don’t feel they are discerning enough about some of the ladies Bible studies i.e., allowing Beth Moore studies and Priscilla Shirer studies. Would love to hear your input.


  20. Hello Michelle! Totally agree with you on Women teaching Men!Bible clearly states that is not to be,I am surprised you did not mentioned Ann Graham Lotz,would love to hear your comment on her! Thank you,be blessed Jutta


  21. Hi Michelle,

    Do you believe that Paul is talking about not wearing makeup when he speaks about “shamefacedness”? I’m asking because I see you wear makeup.

    Also, have you ever heard of Sister Linda Paul Rika?


    1. Hi Yvette-

      I’m assuming you’re speaking of 1 Timothy 2:9, which in the King James Version says:

      “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;”

      Paul is not speaking specifically of makeup itself. A more accurate translation of the word that the KJV renders as “shamefacedness” would be “modesty” or “decency.” Obviously, those are more general terms and could apply to various aspects of apparel (makeup, clothing, jewelry, hairstyle, etc.) or to a person’s appearance in general. There are immodest ways to wear makeup and there are modest ways to wear makeup just like there are modest and immodest ways to dress, wear jewelry, or style your hair. Modesty is about not calling attention to your apparel (and thus, yourself) either because it’s too sexy or too showy.

      No, I have never heard of Linda Rika, but I watched enough of the video you linked to to know that she teaches false and unbiblical doctrine. Anyone who teaches that wearing makeup or wearing certain clothes or hairstyles or getting a tattoo will send someone to hell is teaching a false gospel. The Bible doesn’t say any such thing. She’s also teaching falsely about spiritual warfare and extra-biblical revelation. I would strongly discourage anyone from following her teaching. Believing the gospel she preaches will send someone to hell because it is not the biblical gospel.


      1. Thanks for your reply, Michelle. I really appreciate it.

        I have two questions. If you wouldn’t mind giving me your feedback, please, I’d appreciate it, again.

        1. Regarding tattoos, what about Leviticus 19:28? “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.”

        2. If Paul could be talking about makeup, then how can you know for sure that it isn’t going against Scripture to wear it?


      2. 1. You need to understand the context of Leviticus 19:28. In the culture in which this was written (Old Testament Israel situated among pagan nations), making cuts in the body for the dead and tattoos were worship rituals to pagan gods. For an Israelite to partake in these things would have been for him to reject God and align himself with pagan gods. If that is why someone today is getting a tattoo (i.e. in order to honor a pagan god or something else that’s evil) then that would be sin. If, for example, he’s getting a tattoo of a kitten (because he likes kittens) or a tattoo of a Bible verse (because it’s especially meaningful or something) that would not be sin. (And, believe me, I am no fan of tattoos. I think they’re tacky regardless of their content.)

        Keep in mind that this is Old Testament Mosaic law. Christians are not under the Mosaic covenant so we are no longer required to keep those cultural, ceremonial, and civil laws. We are under the covenant of grace in Christ and no longer bound by this law. Also keep in mind that, in order not to be hypocritical, if you’re going to impose the Levitical law about tattoos on yourself or others, you’d better be prepared to keep all of the other Levitical laws as well- the dietary laws, making sure your roof has a parapet around it, not wearing garments of mixed fabrics, etc. Christ came to set us free from all that. The New Testament is very clear about it.

        2. I don’t think you read my response carefully enough. I said Paul is not talking about makeup. I think you’re confused by the word “face” inside the word “shamefacedness.” Just because the word face is there in an obsolete Old English word does not mean he is talking about makeup. It might be helpful for you to take a look at that verse in a more accurate translation such as the ESV or NASB. What Paul is talking about in that verse is the concept of modesty, not particular items of apparel. As I said, there are modest and immodest ways to wear makeup, just as there are modest and immodest ways to dress, do hair, etc.

        It kind of feels like you’re looking for a list of rules to follow- clear cut do’s and don’ts that will get you into Heaven. That’s not what a relationship with Christ is about. That’s what was going on in the Old Testament that we see God, and later Jesus, speaking out against. Law. Works righteousness. Yes, we are called to obey Him, but not simply out of rote obedience or fear of punishment. Christianity is about our hearts. We obey Christ as a result of loving Him and growing in Him day by day.

        May I suggest the following verses for further study?
        Isaiah 29:13-14
        Romans 3:20-28
        Ephesians 2:8-9
        1 John 4:18-19
        Galatians 3
        Galatians 5:1,16-18

        Liked by 1 person

  22. #1 —no need to respond, #2—stumbled into this page via Twitter, #3–especially like the “in a nutshell statement, #4—have a great day in the Lord

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I am really glad to know you have researched false teachers, have really had a lot of concerns as to who I should follow. Thank you for this blog you have really appreciate it. Margaret


  24. Michelle – thank you for your fresh, honest expression of God’s Word in the murky waters of false teaching. “Is She a False Teacher” has given me solid tools. May you continued to be blessed. Kathy

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Ok, I have a question that seems to be coming up a lot in my circles… let me know if this is the right place to be asking these questions! 🙂


  26. I couldn’t find a place to comment on your Leaving Lysa post that I found very helpful. I am looking for a book/study for women similar to Made to Crave but biblically sound. Do you have any recommendations?


  27. I tried to print out lesson 5 of your Bible study on the Ten Commandments, but was not able to do so. I was able to print out lessons 1-4 without any problem. Has anyone else had this problem? I tried with both the website and the email, and was only allowed to print page 1 with the photo intro.


  28. Hello, today is my first day finding your blog. I was searching a popular women’s speaker him I heard on a popular Christian radio station. I was so relieved to see an honest straight-forward “Berean-type” essay on the woman. As a Southern Baptist, we don’t agree 100%, but that’s ok! I will be coming back! Glad to have found you. Thank you.


  29. Thank you so much for this blog! There aren’t enough women (or men?) vetting these women preachers, and it is letting a lot of false doctrine into the church. You’ve really inspired me to read these women teachers with a more discerning eye!


  30. Michelle
    I just wanted to thank you for this blog. I have been searching for a great female teacher of the bible and stumbled across your blog. I have told my Christian friends that there are many false teacher out there, that the bible should speak for itself. Your insight and links that point to why these people are considered false will help me to show others why I believe the same way and how to wisely choose a study guide to aid our walk through the bible.


  31. Michelle, this is the first time I have heard about you and just read all of the information regarding Lisa TerKeurst that you posted. I am not familiar enough with either of you to condone/judge – that should be left to God to do; however, if we are showing Christian love, shouldn’t we be lifting one another up in prayer – especially if we feel the other person is not being Biblical? Pray for rather than tell people to avoid the person you believe is misinterpreting the Bible.


    1. Hi Cheryl-

      Maybe you didn’t see or get a chance to read the note at the very top of the article? If you’ll click here #10 will answer your question, and I think the rest of the article will be helpful to you as well.

      Blessings :0)


  32. Hello,

    This is my first time here. You mention a lot about false teachers but they do a lot of good. They help a lot of women with every day real life issues and trials. I have not seen any articles you have written that help me deal with real, every day problems. Did I miss them?

    Also you said you have step children. I assume your hiabdnhad children before you two married. Was he married before? Is his previous wife deceased? The Bible says that a man is still married to his wife until death, and to marry a man who is divorced is committing adultery. Can you advise on this? You said you believe in calvinism and that doctrine doesn’t believe in remarry unless one spouse has died.

    Thank you.


    1. Hi Shubbert-

      I’m happy to answer your questions, but as you’ve read above, this isn’t a debate site, so I’m not going to engage in an argument. My answers below will have to suffice.

      This is my first time here. You mention a lot about false teachers but they do a lot of good. They help a lot of women with every day real life issues and trials.

      No, they don’t. That’s like saying Hitler did a lot of good because he created a lot of jobs. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of people who claim to be Bible teachers to teach the Bible (and to teach it correctly {James 3:1}), not to be Dear Abby or some sort of self-help guru.

      If you’ll go back up to the section entitled “Warning Against False Teachers” and click on the link in that paragraph, you’ll find that #3 in that article answers your question.

      I have not seen any articles you have written that help me deal with real, every day problems. Did I miss them?

      You must have. I run a segment every Monday called The Mailbag in which readers can write in and have their questions answered. Since this is a discipleship blog, questions tend to be about discipleship-related issues. So are my other articles. Beyond that, I’m not sure what you mean by “real, every day problems.” The purpose of this blog is not to be an advice column. It’s to teach the Bible, and the Bible is certainly relevant for daily problems. For the most part, you’re not going to find things like recipes (although I do have a few of those :0) relationship advice, how to organize your closet, etc.

      to marry a man who is divorced is committing adultery. Can you advise on this?

      The Bible does not say that anyone who is divorced and remarries commits adultery. You need to read your New Testament more carefully. There are two biblically allowable cases for divorce and remarriage: a) sexual immorality on the part of one’s spouse (Matthew 19:9) and b) abandonment by an unsaved spouse (1 Corinthians 7:15)

      You said you believe in calvinism and that doctrine doesn’t believe in remarry unless one spouse has died.

      I have no idea where you’re getting this, because Calvinism is merely an elucidation of what the Bible says and the Bible doesn’t teach this. I’ve been Reformed for several years now and this is the first time I’ve ever heard such a thing. All I can say is that if this is true for some branch of Calvinism, I’m not aware of it, and it is not true of the branch of Calvinism I subscribe to.


      1. Thank you for your reply. I was just curious. I know John Piper is a huge reformed Christian and he believes the Bible doesn’t give ground for divorce even based on those scriptures so I was seeking clarification. Thanks


      2. You’re most welcome. I did a little digging after I responded to you so I could get more clarification myself! John Piper (and I believe also Voddie Baucham) does hold to this view – it’s called the Permanence View of marriage – but while he happens to be a Calvinist who holds to the Permanence view, the Permanence view itself isn’t part of Calvinist doctrine. It’s sort of an “a la carte” doctrine, from what I understand. I don’t hold to that view because I believe it adds restrictions that Scripture doesn’t require of us. It’s one of several things I don’t agree with John Piper (and Voddie Baucham) about. There’s a very wide spectrum of beliefs within Calvinism :0)


  33. I am stumped as to how to change my email account so I can continue to receiving Michelle Lesley’s blog. My old email is kbf77@cox.net and my new one is kbfa77@gmail.com…..slight change, but the cox account is being cancelled and I don’t want to miss a thing. Can you tell me what to do?


  34. Michelle – As a long-time Bible study teacher (and inconsistent blogger 🙂 I was really encouraged to come across your blog while researching Lysa Terkeurst as a recommendation for a speaker at our women’s retreat. It makes me sad that women so easily follow other women who at first glance “sound good” and cite Scripture. Then they get sucked into what those women promote, especially the listening prayer. Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, was very popular among our ladies until I put together a paper summarizing how unscriptural it was and gave examples. (Some still won’t let go of it, it has an oddly strong emotional draw for many.) Most women hadn’t been good “Bereans” and questioned many of her statements. And we are a strong Bible-teaching church, it’s scary. I think the sufficiency of Scripture is the front-line right now in the war for Bible literacy. And the new wave of psychology driven Chrisitanity is just sad, (not that all psychology is bad, it just has it’s place) because so often the promoters twist Scripture to support their supposedly new concepts that will “revolutionize your life”. I’d be interested to see what you think of the Wellspring Group (wellspringgroup.org) which is infiltrating our church and just breaks my heart. It’s sad to me that there is so much false teaching that needs to be refuted, I don’t like being a “Debbie Downer” about other teachers and yet we must battle false teaching… Thanks for your courage in standing for the Truth!!


    1. Thanks, Lorie, and God bless you for influencing the women of your church to be more discerning.

      I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the Wellspring Group, but I took a quick look at their web site. I didn’t see anything overtly unbiblical, and I saw several things that sounded like they could be good. But, I did see a few buzzwords that raised some red flags. I guess you’d need to listen to their teachings very carefully and compare them to Scripture.


  35. Wow – keep up the good work. Just learned of you in a round-about-way listening to No Compromise Radio Podcast on their view of one of your “favorites” Pricilla Shirer. We need more sisters like you who are not afraid to name names and declare the truth! I’m not sure if I’ve heard your name mentioned on Wretched Radio. Email Todd and ask him “What’s up with that?”
    God bless you and your family.


    1. Haha- Thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement, Thomas. Todd has a segment on Wretched (I think it’s usually on Fridays?) where he reads out Tweets he likes, and one time he read one of mine. It was the highlight of my month, I’ll tell ya! :0) If there’s a particular article of mine you think Todd would like, by all means, send him the link at idea@wretchedradio.com.


  36. I’m thrilled to “stumble” upon your site. Last November I left a Word of Faith church because the pastor was becoming obsessed with seeking and believing for prosperity and was sending money to Kenneth Copeland Ministries. I knew he was a follower of KCM but I didn’t really know much about Copeland because I never watch TV evangelists. I could write a book but will just add that I’m going to select your page for my internet start-up page.


  37. I am so glad I found your blog. I am new to a Southern Baptist Church and started
    a Bible Study of P.S. yesterday. I felt so bad when I left after watching the video. My neighbor and I both decided not to attend any more studies’ even though we paid out money. I just knew she was not teaching the bible. I feel better after reading
    your blog.
    Thank you.


    1. Welcome, Betty! Yes, I know how disillusioning it can be to find that the women’s “Bible” study class in your church is using materials authored by a false teacher. Maybe you and your neighbor can study God’s word together instead :0)


  38. Hello Michelle! I recently found your blog and so appreciate your reviews on popular Christian leaders. Someone gave me on of Lysa Terkeurst’s books and it just didn’t see right with me so I did some research and your blog popped up. I so appreciated your insight on her. One thing though. You link several other reviews of her works at he end of the article and one of them is from The Wartburg Watch. I have found them to be quite a slanderous group that takes one persons word to destroy the reputation of admirable leaders and pastors. In fact, they have attacked many of them men you encourage your readers to follow including John MacArthur, Phil Johnson and Tim Challies to name a few. So it kinda rubbed me wrong to see you affiliating with them in some way. Just a thought for you to consider. Thanks for all the work you do!


  39. I pray charity and God given love overflows in your home and personal life. Based on your internal response to this reveals any transformation needing to take place.

    “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar..” 1John4:20

    If God has not written people off, why should we? Please remember that when we search to attack fellow believers, we are attacking Jesus’ bride in whom we are all apart of.

    “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity (love), I am become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.”
    1 Corinthians 13:1


    1. So, Elena, if I’m understanding you correctly, you’re saying I hate people, I’m a liar, I’ve written people off, I’ve attacked people and the church, and I don’t have love. Don’t you think that’s pretty slanderous and judgmental? Read Matthew 23. Would you level those same accusations against Jesus? He was much harsher on false teachers than I am.

      I would encourage you to stick around so you can learn more about the biblical definition of love, the way the New Testament deals with false doctrine and false teachers, and how to be a biblically strong, theologically knowledgeable, godly woman. The following articles will get you off to a good start if you’d like to know what the Bible has to say about the comments you’ve made:

      Answering the Opposition- Responses to the Most Frequently Raised Discernment Objections
      Discernment: What’s Love Got to Do with It?
      I Can’t Sit Down, Shut Up, and Play Nice


    2. I have a different take on Michelle’s work than Elena does. It’s a fact that false teaching and unbiblical concepts are growing like crazy among Christian authors and speakers. As a long-time Bible study teacher and leader in the women’s ministry at our church, I see the negative effects of these false “truths” on the way women think, how they perceive God and how they make decisions in their daily life. It’s not good.

      The New Testament tells us to beware of false teachers and to be like the Bereans and to test what people say against the Scriptures. Michelle simply helps us do that by spending hours and hours researching the beliefs and writings of the people she calls out. Any negative comments are not personal attacks, they are warnings of the content of the person’s teaching. Scripture says we are to discern truth from falsehood.

      Since I don’t have a lot of time to research beyond my scope of study, I really appreciate the work she does. I am better equipped to talk with women about questionable teachings/teachers because of her ministry – and I am grateful. 🙂



  40. I am grateful for those who help us figure out false teachers. I was intrigued by an author I had not heard of and listened to them speak. Then I was told about your blog and sure enough you flagged her as a false teacher. I always approach anything related to writing or teaching about God with a degree of skepticism and what you said definitely raised red flags for me. I looked to see if you had written anything about Rebekah Merkle yet. She has a book called Eve in Exile and thought I would mention her if you wanted to check her out. Thank you for helping us sort out the false from the truth.


    1. Thanks, Gabby :0) I’ve heard an interview with Rebekah and have doctrinally sound friends who have recommended her book. I haven’t read it, but it sounds like it might be good!


  41. Hello Michelle Lesley, Thank you for your concern of if I am following a false teacher. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I sincerely appreciate your clear explanations of the who, what, where, when, why and how of what you believe about Beth More and/or others. I was Catholic as a child. I went into an every which way in exploration of religions, doctrines, cults, crafts. studies and lifestyles at a young age. I have gone through many things. I was born again in 1971. Shortly after, I was baptized in water in a river in northern California. When the minister said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” (full immersion), I came up out of the water, “speaking in tongues.” At this time our country was experiencing revival through the “Jesus Movement.” I had no preconceived notions nor doctrinal dogma to fall back on. The Lord quite simply bestowed this gift on me. I am not a Calvinist…I believe that all the gifts/callings are for today and definitely did not cease. I am pro-life and pro marriage as described in the Word to be between man and women. I believe that every sin described in the Word is sin and all sin can be repented of and forgiven by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I definitely am not politically correct according to the world’s viewpoint. I also believe in Tim 3:16-17 as standard, I do not believe that anyone is born gay or homosexual; it is a lifestyle choice but many times due to trauma or abuse of some kind having occurred in the person’s life. I do not believe it is a sin for women to instruct men; but I believe that men nor women should lord their position over anyone. I believe teaching should be done with all humility unto Jesus in love. I am a credentialed minister and have taught Sunday School, new believer’s, adults, kids, teens, one on one counseling, support groups, seminars and retreats. I unlike you have not published anything yet…but have been writing since I was a little girl: short stories, articles, poems, songs, curriculum, and have began writing a few books which are unfinished probably due to some level of writer’s block. I am not a follower of Beth Moore. So much so,that I did not know that anyone dubbed her to be a false teacher. I have never read any of her books and only watched her a few times on Life Today TV show and did not even view the full show, Many years ago I saw her speak at a conference in New York City, where I was born and raised but live in Jersey a long time now. The conference was for Grief shortly after 911 and was sponsored by AACC/American Association of Christian Counselors at Calvary church on 57th St in Manhattan. I had never heard or seen her before that time. i have one son, 3 grand girls and married many years to one man. I believe I was healed, delivered and set free by the blood of Jesus Christ. i responded to Beth Moore’s article because I related in several ways, I have had a number of negative things occur to me by male or men ministers in body; verbally and emotional critical comments, put downs as well as sexual harassment which have been swept under rugs, and forgotten. I was told “maybe it happened because of your history”. I have a big testimony which is under the blood for many, many years…I think it a pity that a women if or when she speaks up will be victimized to protect the transgressions of some men; minister or not. I was not looking at Beth Moore’s doctrinal stances, I was looking at it from experience level. For me, Roman 8:1 rings true. I also want to say I am not answering you in retaliation of your position against Beth Moore’s teaching. I son’t feel need to defend her, I am giving reason for why I commented in favor of the article’s reason…I think women stay shut too much at times and suffer in silence. I have listened to countless women who have gone through all types of abuse and still are not recovered who love Jesus. I like your responses and bravery in doing this work you do. I will also say I believe in the rapture and am pre-millenial. I think many women in churches who have something “off color” happen are fearful of coming out so to speak. I actually wish I could meet you face to face and we could look straight at one another. I am Pentecostal and prefer this style of denomination, but not without God’s order implemented. i subscribe to the 16 Fundamentals of Faith as written in compliance with A/G, Assemblies of God…but not ahead of the Word of God which is the Bible; and never returns void. Thank you kindly, peace and love in Jesus, Eve De Freitas-Santiago


    1. Hi Eve-

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful and kind comment. You’re absolutely right that women should not be abused or treated poorly, especially in the church. It is wicked and sinful for any man to do such a thing. I am very sorry for the ways you have been mistreated over the years, and I hope that the people responsible repented and were disciplined by the church.

      I wanted to briefly address a couple of things in your comment. First, you mentioned the Jesus Movement and that you are Pentecostal and A/G. Just wanted to give you a heads up that there are a LOT of unbiblical ideas and practices under that umbrella of Christianity. I’m not saying you or your current church necessarily subscribe to all of them, but you’ll probably want to keep an eye out for New Apostolic Reformation heresy that may creep in.

      One unbiblical idea it seems you have embraced, which is common in Pentecostalism, is, as you put it, “I do not believe it is a sin for women to instruct men.” I know this will probably sound very blunt, but when you say that, what you’re saying is, “I don’t believe what God said about this in His Word.” God’s Word is very clear that women are not to instruct men in the Scriptures in the church or hold authority over men in the church. It doesn’t really matter if we “believe” something is a sin or not. If God said in His written Word that we are not to do something and we do it anyway, that is a sin. Our opinion or belief about it doesn’t matter, only what God’s Word says. You might find my articles Jill in the Pulpit and Rock Your Role FAQs to be helpful on this subject.

      That said, I hope you’ll stick around and maybe join us on my Facebook or Twitter page for more fellowship :0)


  42. Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye. …

    Matthew 7:1-29


  43. Thank you for such clear and concise explanation of 1Timothy 2:12. I believe the justification for women in authority lies in women feeling like secondary citizens (for many reasons), including the influence of women’s liberation, and the running down of motherhood. Additionally, many men have abdicated their role as head of their hone, both naturally and spiritually. This does not justify the church’s disobedience against what God commands. Your article is a clear call to the Church and the believer to follow Christ, and the admonition of scripture to begin to set their house in order. Thanks again!


    1. Hi Carol- I agree that those are all factors. I’m not sure which of my articles on 1 Timothy 2:12 you’re referring to, but I’m glad it was helpful. It is my pleasure to serve you in Christ :0)


  44. I simply want to thank you for your approach- undiluted. I read this page (Start Here) and that’s all I needed to know that I, a woman and follower of Christ, had found some help from the same! I was redirected to a blog of yours from BereanResearch.Org on what I believed (rightly so) to be a false teacher. I keep reading things on social media that seem sound, at first scan. But wind up not sitting right in my gut. The Bible is absolutely the authoritative, end all be all WORD…but it’s nice to have someone to come along side to help you thru the difficult parts! Someone who isn’t adding some weird hokum! 😉 So thank you for taking the time to come along side those of us seeking more, but need a lil help!


  45. Michelle, I have really enjoyed your bold responses to our current times. I was hoping you could address the Propel conferences and the subtle and not so subtle attack on the role of the women in our churches as well as our homes. Our church’s woman’s leadership has become a “Chapter” of this movement. My husband and I are pointing out the heretical associations that are apart of this movement. It is shocking and astonishing the blending and melting of denominations that years ago we would have nothing to do with doctrinally. Some of their videos are skewing “submission” so women can “lead” more in the church and of course this is headed by woman who are pastors. I believe this movement is so dangerous. Your insights?


    1. Hi Regina- I briefly mentioned the Propel conferences in my article on Christine Caine. That particular conference is just a branch on the poisonous tree whose root is Christine Caine. That conference (and all of her other materials, conferences, organizations, etc.) should be avoided altogether simply because she is at the root of them in the same way that we ditch all books by false teachers rather than going through them one by one to see if one of them might be OK. I completely agree with you that this movement is dangerous and should be avoided completely. I don’t know if I’ll write an article on it in the future or not, but I will keep it in mind.


      1. Thank you, that is exactly the position we sent to our pastor. Thank you for your ministry and your time to reply to me.


  46. I too appreciate the letter to Mrs. Moore. I think that her obfuscated twitter response will be the only answer we will get. Her reticence to clearly answer the question is clearly the answer. Given her friendships with Hatmaker and Merritt and her affirmations of them, we should be able to decipher where she stands. She is leading many astray.


  47. I appreciate your attention to Beth Moore. We live in perilous times with an abundance of prideful, arrogant, superior false teachers. I am so thankful for my friend who told me about your ministry. Sound Bible teachers are getting harder to find every day. Thank you for your faithfulness to our Lord and His Word. Maranatha.


  48. I listened to Christine Caine once and was not impressed with what she said, as for Beth Moore, she has lost her place in life. If you study the Bible you know what God expects from the Teachers, but if they don’t want to go by HIs word, then they are false teachers. Every one of these teachers should hang on to gospel like it is Gold. They are feel good teaching and no substance, more interested in money. They are worldly They are not trusting in God.


  49. Hi Michelle, I needed to touch base with you on the Kelly Minter issue.. She is being considered for a women’s study at our church. My wife posted your site to the pastors wife and there were some objections to the info as to why she is “not recommended”. Aside from recommending Beth Moore, which I think is sufficient, please clarify the issue of her teaching men? And any additional information on why Kelly Minter should be avoided would be helpful. Using your site as a resource to my wife for her discernment, I want to make sure everything is clarified and verified so that when she uses these objections in discussions, the veracity of you information is not called into question.. Please feel free to respond privately to my email if you feel that would be more appropriate..


    1. Hi Patrick- I am in the process of going through and updating those articles (as well as separating them out into stand alone articles for each teacher). I’ll bump Kelly up on the list and get to her as soon as I can.

      If the question has to do with why it’s unbiblical for women to teach men, the articles in my Rock Your Role series should be helpful, especially “Jill in the Pulpit” and “Rock Your Role FAQs”.

      Be prepared, though- if the ladies at your church don’t already understand that preaching to men is unbiblical and they are already bristling at the idea that Kelly’s materials shouldn’t be used, they may not be convinced even by the strongest biblical evidence. I hope that won’t be the case in your situation, but that has been my experience in general.


  50. Hi Michelle,
    You describe yourself as…….A genuinely regenerated Protestant, Southern Baptist, Calvinist/Reformed Baptist…I am just getting in on the Reformed Baptist conversation. As a Southern Baptist, why do I need to add all the other titles. Why or what did you reform? I am confused. Why can’t you just be Southern Baptist?


    1. Hi Loria- You don’t need to use a bunch of labels if you don’t want to, I just want to be specific and clear to my readers what my theology is in case they’d like to know, and so they will know what to expect when they read my articles.

      Reformed Baptist theology is different from Arminian (or what Southern Baptists like to call “Traditionalist” theology). If you are Southern Baptist and unfamiliar with Calvinism, you are most likely in a Traditionalist church (you may want to ask your pastor). I think you’ll find the answers to many of your questions in this article (be sure to read the additional resources at the end, too.) I’d also encourage you to read the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.

      Hope this helps. :0)


  51. Hello, Michelle! I am so very glad that I found your website. I see your Bio, your Statement of Faith and your assertion that you are a genuinely regenerated Protestant (etc.) in-dwelled by the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation. Where will I find your testimony? That I can’t seem to find. Could you please direct me to it? Thank you. And thank you for all that you are doing and offering to women here. I’m doing the Praise God happy dance because he sent me here. 🙂


    1. Welcome aboard, Clare. Glad to have you.

      Amy and I each gave our testimony on the first episode of our podcast, but it might be faster to read mine here: I was born into a Christian family. My parents brought me up to faithfully attend and serve the church, so I was there constantly. I prayed to receive Christ when I was about 12 and was subsequently baptized. No significant outward sin, rebellion, or wandering away from the church. Everything since then has just been growth and sanctification. You might also enjoy this article, which touches on my testimony.

      Hope this helps. :0)


  52. I read your critique of Lysa TerKeurst and am so confused now. . I grew up in a rules based, shame based church . I then rejected it all together and certainly lived an ungodly life. Long story short I felt so convicted over my ongoing and egregious sin I sought out help. I was led to a Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study which encouraged me to repent, accept His grace and love, read His word, give thanks, praise Him, pray for wisdom and understanding of His Word. I did this and am free from this horrible sin I’ve committed my entire adult life. Now I’m disheartened to hear that she’s a false teacher. I certainly didn’t hang on her every word. But now, even though I was certain my Christian walk was stronger I’m beginning to question everything. You answered someone’s Question with: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 speaks to the sufficiency of Scripture. God says in that passage that Scripture is all we need to equip us for every good work.
    At this point I don’t know who to trust or believe. I feel like it should just be me, God and my bible and tune everyone else out.


    1. Hi Kathy- I rejoice with you that God set you free from your sin! I totally understand that you might be confused. This happens to a lot of new Christians – you are not alone. When you say, “it should just be me, God and my Bible and tune everyone else out,” you’re pretty close!

      First, you need to find a doctrinally sound church you can faithfully attend, where you can sit under good, solid, biblical preaching and teaching, have brothers and sisters who can disciple you, and where you can get plugged in and serve. If you don’t have a church, or if you’re not sure if the church you’re a member of is doctrinally sound, please check out the “Searching for a new church?” tab at the top of this page. There are resources that explain what to look for in a good church as well as several church search engines to help you locate a good church in your area.

      Next, yes, you do need to be studying straight from the Bible. Not only are the vast majority of women’s Bible study books authored by false teachers, but studying straight from the Word is so much richer and more rewarding! In case it would help, check out the “Bible studies” tab at the top of this page. My studies are designed to teach you how to properly study straight from the Bible itself – what questions you should be asking of the text, seeing how the text points to Jesus, etc. I would recommend starting with one of the book (Mark, Ezra, 1 John, etc.) studies first, rather than a topical, since they are expository and most of the time you should be studying expositorily. Once you get a feel for studying straight from the Bible, you won’t need to depend on my studies, or anyone else’s, any more.

      Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions. :0)


  53. I wonder if you would comment on the response from Beth Moore about the open letter that was sent to her about her stance on homosexuality, where she said her previous writings had exceeded scripture and why she has deleted material from her Kindle version of those.


    1. Hi Debbie- I’m one of the original signers of the Open Letter. You can find it, answers to questions about the letter, and the timeline of events surrounding the letter (including Beth’s “responses”) in these articles:

      An Open Letter to Beth Moore

      The Mailbag: Questions about the Open Letter to Beth Moore

      An Open Letter to Beth Moore – Timeline of Events

      My commentary on her “I exceeded Scripture” pseudo-explanation is toward the end of the “Timeline” article. To my knowledge, Beth has made no further comment on the issue.


  54. I appreciate your site very much. I am grieved that a few friends are following Bethel type beliefs especially in regards to the Holy Spirit. May the Lord continue to speak through you.


  55. Hello, Michelle. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent. I stopped going to the mega church I was attending for about 3 years because of some programs that were sneaking in. I have just a couple of questions for you. What are your views of the Alpha Course? They also host the IF gathering every year. What about 12 step groups? Another issue that was really bothering me was the volume of the music in service. I have a couple of senior citizen friends who talked to the music leader about how it was actually physically hurting their ears. Unfortunately, his and other’s same complaint was ignored. Is this common practice nowadays? I started attending a Baptist church a few weeks ago and everything seemed to be going okay until I went to a smll group and the material they were using was by by Priscilla Shirer. Iwas so disappointed. What are your thoughts? Thank you for your time.


    1. Hi Vivian-

      Alpha Course- I am not very familiar with the Alpha Course, but after a cursory look at their website, it doesn’t sound like it would be something I would recommend. It is very ecumenical, and the founder, Nicky Gumbel, has a lot of ties to New Apostolic Reformation leaders.

      My friend and podcast co-host, Amy Spreeman, has written more about the Alpha Course in these articles:




      12 Step Groups- I suppose there could be a doctrinally sound one out there, but if there is, I’m not familiar with it. Any group that substitutes a nebulous “higher power” for the triune God is not biblical and should not be taking place in a church. The biblical model is the 3 step program: 1) Justification (being born again), 2) Sanctification (submitting to Christ and growing in holiness during your lifetime), 3 Glorification (eternal life in Heaven).

      Music volume- Yes, this is commonplace. Some churches even make ear plugs available to those who want them prior to the service. It is ridiculous and should not be an issue in the church. The Bible says we are to serve one another in love (Galatians 5:13) and put others’ interests ahead of our own (Philippians 2:3-4). It doesn’t sound like the people in charge of the worship service are doing that.

      IF Gathering/Priscilla Shirer- For anyone reading this who is not familiar, see the Popular False Teachers tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page.

      Regarding the Baptist church you’re attending- Women’s “Bible” studies by false teachers are common in Baptist churches, sad to say. If that seems to be the only problem with this church, and it’s otherwise doctrinally sound, and there’s no better option of a church in your area that’s more doctrinally sound, this may be a “make the best of it” situation.

      I would suggest setting up an appointment with the pastor. Go in and be completely transparent with him: “I’m considering joining this church, but I have a concern….” and share the information about Priscilla Shirer with him (you can use my article on her if you think it would be helpful). It’s possible he just doesn’t know. That is the case with many pastors. They assume if LifeWay or another Christian retailer sells an author, she must be biblical.

      You may find some of the information at my “Searching for a new church?” tab (in the blue menu bar at the top of this page) to be helpful as well as my article The Mailbag: How should I approach my church leaders about a false teacher they’re introducing?.


      1. Michelle,
        Thank you so much for such a quick response. There is actually a church from your list not too far from me. I might check it out. Did you ever hear of Delighting in the Lord Bible Study series? I did the Women’s Bible Study Fellowship in Illinois for 6 years. What is nice about group bible study is the fellowship. I also enjoy studying on my own and jotting things down as I go.


    2. I also attend a Baptist church and have been a member since September 2019. It serves the remote area in which I live and is a small congregation with no more than 15 people showing up on any given Sunday. The Pastor’s wife leads both men and women in a “Bible” study group which involves these types of popular books, instead of reading scripture. The first study that was underway upon my joining this church was a book by Max Lucado, which got my ‘feelers’ up, as it were. I choose not to attend these studies. I was born again in March 2019 so I am the “baby” in this church. However, by the grace of God who has guided me to measure EVERYTHING against His word, my discernment is growing in these matters.

      Because the church is so small it is obvious and noticed that I am not attending this group. People comment that they have not seen me at “Bible” study. I do not respond right there in truth because, to them, I’m the baby.

      Everything else that happens in the church, the sermons, worship, prayer, are all on point Biblically thus far. My Pastor is a Godly man as far as I experience so my only issue to date is these not-Bible studies involving both men and women being lead by the Pastor’s wife. Should I be bringing my concerns to my Pastor? Is it enough for me to see it and step back from participating in it, making the best of the situation as you say, while I stand out like a sore thumb to the rest of the congregation?

      I’m already on a bit of shaky ground with the Pastors wife. I’m reluctant to upset the apple cart any more. However, if the right thing to do is to address it and deal with potential consequences (shunning, whatever) then I want to do the right thing by my Lord and Savior.

      Michelle, may I ask, how would you guide me in this situation?


  56. I’m curious if you’ve heard of Probably Alexandra? She has done several YouTube videos concerning Satan and Revelations. I’ve tried to learn more about her and am having no luck. I would like to know more about her before I watch all her videos. She also seems to be linked to Messenger of the Most High on Facebook. Thank you for any feedback.


  57. THANK YOU for what you do! I have used your resources numerous numerous times and have learned so much. Your website has helped me help others to steer clear of sketchy resources, you are doing wonderful work for the Lord, may He be blessed.

    Also, I am uber blessed to attend a very solid, Bible-believing church that I would like to respectfully request would be added to your recommended churches: Grace Bible Church in Bozeman, Montana http://www.gbcmt.org

    Thank you again Michelle! Your efforts are so appreciated!


    1. Hi Kelly-

      Somehow your comment accidentally escaped my notice until now, but thanks so much for recommending your church. I have added it to the list. (I’m very impressed with the women’s ministry!) :0)


  58. Why is it that females like you who call others out for teaching can teach on social media. That’s hypocritical. I say shut it all down if you’re going if you want to biblically correct and sound.


  59. hello I’m new here and I was sent here by some others telling me about you and your website and I’m liking it so far and I can’t wait to learn more from this website to and from others that you recommended .


    1. Hi Michelle,
      Thank you for blogging about false teachers. It helps me to avoid them and warn others. I was quite surprised by She Reads the Truth’s association with heretics. Unfortunately, I bought some things from their website earlier this year. I will no longer do that.


  60. Can someone shed some light on Daniels 70th week being thrown 2000 years into the future calling it the Great Tribulation, which most says occurs after a rapture? I cannot see a prophecy being torn apart like this when we all know that God is all about “order”. Did not the 70th week already occur when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D.? Anyone care to contribute to Matt 26:64? Why would Jesus say that to Caiaphas-the high priest? Were not all the new testament books written before the destruction of Jerusalem which history (Wikipedia) states happened in 70 A.D.? And what about Matt 27:25? It just does not make sense that 7 years of a prophecy be taken away and thrown 2000 years into the future. The time would not calculate correctly as Daniel 9:24-27 speaks of. Just trying to put pieces of this puzzle together by scripture alone.


  61. Michelle,

    I am considering doing a study with the young girls in my church. I’ve read the book and thought it was sound…but I’ve listened to a review on it that says otherwise. My mentor, Susan Heck, recommended that I submit this woman to you bc you are so very good at finding out the orthodoxy of women teachers. The book is ‘You Who’ by Rachael Jankovic. Some of the critique I heard was that she is a covert federal visionist, and that the book is especially legalistic. Again I didn’t see it the first reading but thinking back I can see that maybe there is some strong calls to obedience. In my reading I just assumed she was talking about Spirit filled obedience not legalistic obedience. Could you tell me what your studies find on the sound or unsound doctrine of Rachael?


    1. Hi Traci-

      This is one of the reasons I urge women to study straight from the text of Scripture, because it precludes issues like this. As far as I know (I don’t really follow her) Rachael is generally doctrinally sound, but if you have any doubts, I would encourage you to err on the side of caution and just lead your group through a book of the Bible instead. I’ve heard both sides of the FV controversy about her, and to be honest, the voices saying she isn’t FV (not to mention the fact that she says herself she’s not FV) are the ones I consider more trustworthy in general.

      I’m sure Susan mentioned this to you, but if you haven’t already, you should definitely talk to your husband (if you’re married) and pastor, not just about the book itself, but about the controversy surrounding Rachael and Doug Wilson (her father). The controversy itself may be a big enough factor that they might not want you using her materials. If you have to do a book study there are plenty of non-controversial, doctrinally sound authors (don’t forget it’s OK, and often preferable, for women to study books authored by men) out there to choose from.

      I have not done any research on Rachael, and, at the moment, I don’t have any plans to. My counsel would be:

      -Compare everything she says to rightly handled, in context Scripture
      -Talk it over with your husband and pastor
      -Pray for wisdom
      -Strongly consider teaching straight from the text of Scripture instead


  62. Hello, I found your website yesterday when I created a Pinterest account and searched for quotes. I came across a pin of “Living Proof you should follow Beth “no” Moore”. As I have read several of her books, I was intrigued and clicked. I read the article. God’s timing is perfect. Ive been searching for something more. I had been thinking about how Church is much different from when I attended as a child and young adult. Today it is so lax. No one from the stage (no longer a pulpit) speaks of sin in context. It has become a word with no meaning. There is no mention of hell. I think I have found what I’ve been searching for. I read my Bible but sometimes feels I need a mentor or teacher to discuss my thoughts with to be sure my understand is as it is written. I think I have found the resource I need. I will be spending some time here as you already have a wealth of titles that could be the answers to many questions or clarifications I need. Thank you for this resource.


    1. Hi Amanda- Welcome!

      I have great news for you – there ARE faithful pastors out there who rightly handle God’s Word, and not only preach about sin and Hell, but also the good news of the gospel and the forgiveness that can only be found in Christ.

      While I’m honored that you would consider me a good resource, what you really need – and what God commands – is that you be a faithful member of a doctrinally sound local church. That’s where your mentors and teachers should come from. They should be people you see every week at church, people you can grab a cup of coffee and chat with, people you can call day or night when you need them. Let me give you a couple more resources in case you haven’t discovered them yet:

      Basic Training: 7 Reasons Church is Not Optional and Non-Negotiable for Christians

      Searching for a new church? – I would recommend you start by reading through the resources under “What to look for in a church” and then move on to the church search engines at the top. (I’d suggest checking out the Founders church listing first, followed by the Master’s Seminary church search engine, and then others if you need them.)

      Hope this helps! :0)


  63. Hello! I found your website while trying to see if a Christian singer was a false teacher. I started reading over your beliefs to make sure that you weren’t a false teacher(I don’t mean that in a rude way, it’s just that I have to be really careful especially since I am only a teenager). I agree with everything except Calvinism. I was just wondering if our beliefs would still align enough to where your positions on whether or not people are false teachers would align with my beliefs. I can always ask my parents afterwards, but I just wanted to know basically if(I know you said you’re more nuanced about that, but I had to Google word— and a few others— and I’m not sure if I understand fully what you mean) you talk about or reference Calvinist beliefs a lot.
    Thank you!

    P.S.*not important* I didn’t realize it was so late, sorry, I was just going to Google about the singer before bed, and didn’t realize it would take me 2 hours.


  64. I just stumbled across your website and took a look around. I just want to say thank you! This is an amazing resource and it is wonderful to find a biblically sound blog. I’m a teen that is finishing up with high school and this is something that is definitely needed in society today. Once again; thank you for all your hard work. I’ll be recommending this blog to friends and family!


  65. I am new here 58yr old born again believer for about 11yrs now came out of homosexual lifestyle I am really having a hard time finding a good biblical church I am attending Redeemer Lutheran and was wanting to know if this is a sound biblical church Lutherans the very conservative that is? I have been studying under John MaCarthur, R.C. Sproul and Paul Washer and many others on your list just wanting to get involved in a a church. Thank you so much


    1. Hi Paula- I rejoice with you that God brought you out of darkness and into His marvelous light! I’m not familiar with that particular church, or the Lutheran denomination in general, since I’m Southern Baptist. All I can tell you is that some Lutheran churches are very doctrinally sound and some are not. There are also various “flavors” of Lutheranism (ex: WELS, LCMS, AALC, etc.) and they also vary in doctrinal soundness from group to group.

      What I would suggest is that you click on the Searching for a new church? tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page, scroll down to the “What to look for in a church” section, read up, and make sure your church checks off all the biblical boxes. If it doesn’t, scroll up to the church search engine section and you can start looking for a new, more biblical church. Hope this helps! :0)


  66. Hi! Just to let you know, though it may seem, I have no intention of being rude in this question, and genuinely want to know your response to this. I am only in 9th grade, so I have a lot to learn, and want to know what you think about my comment. I was just wondering, if women are not allowed to teach Men, and you are a woman and this blog is public to men and women, then aren’t you technically providing biblical insight and evangelizing to whatever gender is reading this to inform them of the bible? Also, the book of Timothy, like you said, was a letter written from Paul to Timothy, so this was just the teachings that Paul gave to Timothy as instructions for the churches, and not necessarily coming from God. I know Paul was a prophet and one argument could be that he got this information from God, but even prophets (besides Christ) make mistakes in their instructions to others, such as Abraham, who instructed people to be stoned for certain sins, and you can see that it was unlawful in God’s eyes when Jesus told the priests about to stone Mary of Magdala that they should not stone her because they have sinned as well and God sees all sins as the same. This is just one example of many things that God’s prophets have taught wrongly. So, since times were different in the first century and women were not seen as important to men, couldn’t this have been something Paul told Timothy to do based off of his own understandings culturally? Thank you, and I am very curious to find out what you think about my questions and things that I might have misunderstood or missed.


  67. Just came across your blog + am pleased with your approach to teaching/scripture. In the near future, I hope to begin a Bible study with a cross-cultural group living nearby. Your bible study on the book of Mark is my first choice for this as I know that many disciplers use Mark for teaching basic doctrines of the faith. Once we’ve worked our way thru this book, I hope to be able to engage the attendees to continue into another study + grow a new group or two for other nearby such studies.
    God continue to bless you in this effort to teach from the Word, build up the church and bring glory to His Name.


    1. Hi Bruce- Thank you so much for your kind words. Although it’s not the letter of the law, in the spirit of 1 Timothy 2:12, I usually discourage men from using my studies for their own personal Bible study time or to teach from. You’re welcome to use my Mark study for prep and background, but I hope you’ll use them only to develop your own lessons. Thanks. :0)


  68. Just wanted to come and say I have read many different articles on your site and they have been very helpful. I appreciate the work you’ve put in to your site. Thank you. No response necessary 🙂


  69. Hello Michelle
    I had a look at the wall and I’m still waiting for a response 2 my two emails. Still pending a review. I noticed you answered some emails posted after mine. Is there anything wrong my email? Regards Patty


    1. Hi Patty- Thank you for commenting and for your question. If you have sent me any emails, I cannot locate them. I have, however received three blog comments on this page from you. If you will read the first, sixth, and last bullet point under the “Comment Parameters” section of this page and the section labeled “E-mail and Social Media” you will find the answer to your question as to why I haven’t published / answered your comments. I cannot fairly and biblically answer your question about Chuck Swindoll in five minutes. It takes hours, if not days, for me to properly research a teacher in order to make a public statement on him/her. If you would like to research him yourself, this article may be of some help. (A link for this article can be found in the article that’s linked in the “Email and Social Media” section above.)


  70. I also want to apologize for putting you on the spot with my question. Thank you for responding to me so kindly. Please forgive me.


  71. Hello! I’ve sent a question before but I didn’t receive a reply. It was about Beth Moore and her most recent study about Galatians. I understand you get many questions about Beth and realize you probably don’t have the time to address this. Now I have a new concern. My pastor posted something recently on Facebook and I wonder if this goes along with what you said in your “5 Solas” post.. I am deeply concerned about the direction of the church and wondered if I was over reacting . It was a quote from Abraham Heshel about religion being dull and irrelevant. About faith from the past being an heirloom instead of a living fountain. I’ve noticed this pastor rarely posts scriptures. Instead it’s always what people have said. Anyway I’m sorry if I’m rambling and I’ve deleted this post twice because I’m not sure if it makes any sense. I’m very strongly considering leaving this church altogether as they regularly do BethMoore studies, etc. And now questionable posts from the pastor. Thank you for all you do.


    1. Hi Lynn- Other than the fact that he was a rabbi, I don’t really know anything about Heshel, and you haven’t given me the exact quote in context, so I can’t really say whether or not that quote or any of the other quotes your pastor has posted are problematic.

      With the limited information you’ve given me, I can’t say for sure whether or not you should leave this church or not. I would recommend reading this article and making an appointment with your pastor to discuss your concerns. (Especially about the Beth Moore studies – that’s not a small problem.) If he’s dismissive, and there’s a more doctrinally sound church in your area that you could join, you may want to prayerfully consider it. It may also be wise to set up an appointment with the pastor of the doctrinally sound church and discuss everything with him. If you need help finding a doctrinally sound church in your area check out the Searching for a new church? tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page. Hope this helps a little. :0)


  72. Hi Michelle. I hope you can help me with my query. I have been reading some information from a pastor named Thomas holms from http://www.thejosephplan.org Break The Bondage Of Fear. I am trying to find out more about him before I send any info to someone I know who really needs help with fear and anxiety. I .


    1. Hi Ken- Whether or not this author/book is doctrinally sound, if I were trying to help the person who’s struggling, I would encourage her to do two things:

      1. Begin reading the Psalms. Getting comfort and help straight from God’s Word is always better than from a book written by a human being.

      2. Assuming she’s a Christian and a member of a doctrinally sound local church, she should set up an appointment with her pastor for counseling and for help finding a godly older woman in the church to disciple her through this. (If there’s some good reason she can’t go to her pastor, she should contact a biblical counselor for help.)

      If she’s not saved, fear and anxiety are par for the course. She doesn’t need a book, she needs the gospel.

      If she claims to be a Christian but is not joined to a doctrinally sound local church, that’s job one. Help her find one with my Searching for a new church? resource.

      I’m afraid I’ve never heard of the book or author you mentioned, but that’s OK because God’s plan for helping hurting people is His Word and the church. You may find these articles helpful:

      You Don’t Need *A* Book, You Need *THE* Book

      Is She a False Teacher? 7 Steps to Figuring it Out on Your Own


  73. Can you tell me if Dale and Veronica Partridge are okay to listen to? They have a podcast called “Real Christianity” and a website called relearn.org.


  74. Do you have an article somewhere on this site about the deceptiveness of the word of faith movement? I tried using the search bar to find it but didn’t come up with anything. I have family members deeply rooted in this and have my own conflicting views on it and would love a nice breakdown of why you are so against it. Thank you so much for your blog and for your time 🙏


  75. I would like to recommend my church that I am one of the deacons of. The name of our body is Christ Fellowship of CENLA. We are located in Central Louisiana. We currently meet in a rented space at the Wesley Center in Woodworth Louisiana. Our website is cfcenla.com Thanks!


    1. Hi Ryan- Thanks so much for submitting your church. I tried to vet it, but when I clicked on “View Leadership,” it just kept rerouting back to the home page. If you could give me a heads up when that’s fixed, I’d be delighted to finish vetting it. Thanks!


  76. I have been using the ESV bible but I find that Acts 8:37 is missing. To me this is a very important statement that is included in the KJV. Do you know if there is a good reason for it to be left out of the newer versions? I really appreciate all the work you do and I have learned so much from reading articles on your site.


    1. Hi Janet-
      Great question, and thank you for your kind words.

      Did you check your footnotes? My ESV has a partial explanation in a footnote. Generally, when ESV refrains from including a verse in the text, you’ll find the footnote, “The earliest manuscripts do not include verse X.” That’s the reason. The ESV (and other reliable modern translations) are translated from older, better, and more accurate manuscripts than the KJV. They either redact or include with a footnote (see John 7:53-8:11 for example) verses and passages that have proved to be later additions to the text by scribes and copyists. And you don’t have to worry that something important is being left out of the Bible, because anything important in those verses is taught elsewhere in Scripture. The doctrine in Acts 8:37 is taught throughout the book of Romans as well as in other books of the NT.

      In case you might be interested, my friend, Pastor Gabe Hughes, did a great 2-part podcast episode on this topic not long ago: Part 1 Part 2

      Hope this helps! :0)


  77. Hi Michelle,

    I wont take much time from you. I have no fingers to point nor wise words to share. I simply want to say hello to you and all of your friendly visitors. Just came across you somehow in my studies, and enjoyed my visit. Carry on! David.


  78. Hi Michelle,
    Thank you very much for the articles you write and help us discern! Please can you share your thoughts on Diane Langberg? She is known as a Christian psychologist, Phd,who works with victims of abuse and wrote about spiritual abuse etc.
    I know one needs great care with secular psychology and that’s one I am asking but also as she is recommended in some Christian counselling links.
    Her website.

    Thank you!



    1. Hi Christine –
      Thank you for your kind words.I have done very little research on Diane, though she is on my list of people to look into. From the little I have seen from her, I can tell she’s probably not someone I would recommend for various reasons. But the main reason is that – as someone with a degree and a half in psychology myself – I would not recommend psychology at all – “Christian” or otherwise – as a means of dealing with spiritual or emotional issues. It is a man made system based on fallen man’s “wisdom” rather than on the true wisdom that comes from God. I strongly recommend biblical counseling instead. Don’t fall for the worldly lie, that even some Christians are spouting these days, that a counselor has to be “trauma informed” by some sort of worldly system to be qualified to help a victim of abuse. The best help Christians can give a victim of abuse is the counsel of God’s Word. It works every time it’s tried.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Michelle,

        Thank you again for your reply. I wanted to apply for an Aba ( applied behavioral analysis for sen kids) training/job v.soon. And I asked you in my previous message if is something you would recommend as is a field connected to psychology but still independent somehow. And it doesn’t work on the concepts or ideas of the children but rather on practical skills to help them and their parents cope. I find it is a very hard field but also helpful to others and beautiful in the sense of having the possibility to help others in great great need. I know is still a controversial area as some consider it abuse ( because it can upset children who having to work on certain aspects but every thing worth pursuing is hard) and if applied properly it can be done well and produce changes in many cases ( not all). Would appreciate your thoughts if possible please. Thank you very much!


      2. Hi Christine- I appreciate that you’re struggling with this decision, but as much as I’d like to help, I’m afraid (as I’m sure you read above) I can’t counsel you through the specific details of this situaiton. I have no idea what ABA is, what it entails, how it is or isn’t connected to psychology, etc.

        Assuming you’re a member of a doctrinally sound church (and if you’re not, click the “Searching for a new church?” tab in the blue menu bar at the top of the page, drop everything else and make finding a good church priority 1), I highly recommend you set up an appointment with your pastor for some counsel on this.

        All I can tell you is that, as Christians, we are to believe that God’s written Word governs all of human behavior, emotions, and spirituality, and that what people – saved or lost, children or adults – need most in times of trauma is the gospel and the whole counsel of Scripture for salvation and for the spiritual and practical skills to help them cope. (That’s often why God allows trauma into their lives in the first place – to drive them to cry out to Him.) If you’re in a field where you’re offering them fallen man’s theories and “wisdom” instead of the gospel and the counsel of God’s Word, you’re a) not living out the Christian worldview that God’s Word is the supreme authority governing all human spirituality and behavior, and b) you’re not really helping them, because you’re not offering them the best coping mechanism or behavior modifier available: Christ.

        But there is a field in which you can do that: biblical counseling. I would encourage you to click the Biblical Counseling tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page. Find the ACBC website link on that page and start exploring what biblical counseling is all about and how to get trained and certified.

        I hope this helps in some small way. :0)


      3. Hi Michelle,

        Thank you very much for your reply! I am sorry that I am responding a bit later on, after your reply. Been thinking about it. I agree with you regarding secular therapy. It’s confusing at times as I know even Christian authors and Biblical counsellors had to train secularly or part of it ( like Phd etc) like ED Welch, Gary Collins etc.
        But then most of them went and help only into Christian counselling afterwards. For example ED Welch.
        I understand is for the licence, most times. Psychology as a field has its good studies, that’s why I mentioned Aba, Speech therapy etc. Where they use it to work on certain practical aspects of people or sen children but it doesn’t work on their philosophies or concepts. But of course the secular counselling part is tainted.
        So much discernment needed in such areas.
        Yes, I do read articles from ACBC now, greatful for the resources there. 🙂
        May your ministry continue and God to use you further ahead.
        Thank you. 🙂



  79. Michelle,
    New pastor’s wife and homeschooling mom here. Thank you so much for the resources you provide. I prefer to read and listen to men for my biblical education but have found your blog and interviews invaluable for my research on false teachers and dangerous material.
    I’m currently fighting the battle to get women OFF of the more dangerous ones like Jen Wilkin and Priscilla Shirer. Your work has been immensely helpful.
    I pray God’s blessings on you and your work and that you will remain faithful and encouraged. Much love, sister.


  80. I am just coming out of the word of faith prosperity gospel movement and I wanted to say thank you for the list of teachers that are good to follow. I was in the movement for over 20 years so have a lot of things to unlearn/relearn the right way. Thank you again for being a valuable resource that I can turn to.


    1. I’m glad it’s helpful, Renee. I know how hard that unlearning/relearning process is. I’m taking a moment to pray for you now.

      Have you been able to find and join a doctrinally sound church? If not, be sure to see the “Searching for a new church?” tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page for help.


  81. Hi Michelle, I came across Rosaria Butterfield. She recently wrote an article repenting of using pronouns and why it is a sin. I was wondering if you have heard of her.


  82. Thank you for your Biblical guidance on many things. It’s helpful to have a quick sound reference point for knowing what’s theologically sound or not.

    I was saved out of yoga and new age practiced recently. But somehow I still keep on noticing “angel numbers” and this has been happening since December 2022…it’s like something I can’t seem to shake off. My eyes always fall on “angel numbers”. Even though I don’t research their meaning or care for it anymore.

    I was wondering, what are your thoughts on deliverance ministries: like with teachers such as isaiah saldivar and vlad savchuk? I’m sure if they encountered my issue with “angel numbers” they would suggest fasting and praying and being delivered. But I’m not really in favor of all of that stuff…was wondering if you would consider an article on their ministry and practices from a Biblical standpoint.


    1. Hi Amey- Thank you for your kind words. I’m not familiar with Isaiah or Vlad, but deliverance ministries are unbiblical. I’m also not clear on what “angel numbers” are, but I have a friend who probably is. Are you familiar with Doreen Virtue? She spent many years in leadership in the New Age, and I’ll bet she could give you much better guidance than I can. Doreen tends to be most active on Instagram and YouTube. She is also on Facebook.


  83. Hi Michelle,

    Thank you for this wonderful resource. Have you ever listened to the She Proves Faithful Podcast by Lauren Hlushak? Hers and Marci’s Thankful Homemaker Podcast are the two I listen to for encouragement in this season of being a mom and wife and I would love to hear your thoughts.

    Lauren is young and relatable (as a young mom myself) and her show is lighthearted, but it is usually packed with what I believe to be solid, Biblical truth and encouragement.

    Again, I would love to hear what you think, if you ever have a chance to listen to her show. Thank you for the work that you’re doing for the Lord. May He continue to bless you and your ministry.


  84. Your resource is an answer to prayer! I have been very disheartened by all of the false doctrine coming out of teachers I have previously admired. I cut my teeth on Beth Moore. I know I am unequipped to figure it all out on my own. I have stopped going to many Bible studies because of red flags and it seems no one in my church circle is critiquing these teachers. You do not have to look past many of their own posts to see they are not safe to follow. My problem now is how to gracefully back out of a class. Thank you for your post on The Transformed Wife. She had me so confused I quit reading her a year or so ago. She sounds so righteous but you are correct, also unkind. I felt I could never meet her standards and honestly didn’t want to be the person she described. I do want to be a Godly wife to my husband and a light to the younger women I come in contact with for the glory of Jesus. Coming from an abusive background in a previous marriage some of her advice sounded like bad advice! I also want to be fair to people in ministries. I have worked at a church for a long time and ministry can be challenging, but that is no excuse to lead people astray. You are very fair and thorough. I love to research, so I also dig deeper on my own for further confirmation to ease my mind that I am not being too hard on some of them. I can’t thank you enough! I no longer feel so alone in trying to figure out who is safe.


    1. Hi Jan- I’m so glad you’ve found the blog helpful. Thank you for taking time out of your day to encourage me. It is my joy to serve you in Christ.

      I don’t know if you’ve run across these articles or not, but it sounded like they might be helpful in your situation:

      The Mailbag: How should I approach my church leaders about a false teacher they’re introducing?

      The Mailbag: Should I attend the “Bible” study to correct false doctrine?



  85. hi Michelle

    I am so pleased I have come across your teachings. I am still trying to prayerfully understand about women teachers in the church and our church occasionally has women preachers would you consider this alone a reason for leaving a church?
    I know you are incredibly busy but I value your advice.

    many thanks


    1. Hi Cathy- You’re very kind.

      Yes. Women preaching to men is both a sin (on the part of the woman and on the part of your pastor for asking her to do it) and false doctrine. When a woman preaches to men, she is teaching, via her behavior, the false doctrine that if there’s a command of Scripture you don’t like, you’re free to ignore or disobey it. Try to imagine your pastor getting up in the pulpit and saying that in words. He’d be fired on the spot (I hope.). Your pastor has a biblical mandate to preach sound doctrine and rebuke those who contradict it (Titus 1:9). Not only is he not rebuking women for preaching, he’s actually inviting women to preach. Titus 1:9 is part of the qualifications for pastors. Your pastor is disqualified from ministry, which means your church doesn’t have a pastor. Which means it isn’t a church.

      In case you haven’t yet found these resources on the blog, I would encourage you to read…

      + My Rock Your Role series of articles dealing with the role of women in the church (I would recommend starting with Jill in the Pulpit)

      + Rock Your Role FAQs

      + The Mailbag: Counter Arguments to Egalitarianism

      Once you’ve familiarized yourself enough with the biblical basis for preaching/pastoring being limited to men, you’ll need to set up a meeting with your pastor to discuss your concerns. He will almost certainly dismiss them and will probably offer one or more of the arguments listed in the “Counter Arguments” article, but you need to address this with him anyway. He needs the prophetic warning so that he might repent. This resource may help as you prepare to meet with him.

      + The Mailbag: How should I approach my church leaders about a false teacher they’re introducing?

      If he does not repent and change things, you’ll need this resource to find a doctrinally sound church in your area. I would recommend starting with the Founders search engine, followed by G3, then the Master’s Seminary, then the others.

      + Searching for a new church?

      I’m so sorry your pastor’s sin is causing you and your church to suffer. I’m taking a moment to pray for you all right now.


      1. Thank you. I will read through all resources before speaking to my pastor and I do appreciate your prayers because I live in a small uk town and there are family involved so I know this will not go well. I do not have anyone else I can share with so thank you again.


        Sent from my iPhone


      2. Hi Michelle

        I am sorry to bother you again but I have one final question and hoping that you maybe able to clarify.

        In Paul’s letter to Timothy do you think there could be an argument that he was just giving advice to the Ephesians for their particular situation or is it definitely universal advice for all churches?

        I simply wonder why he hadn’t mentioned it to all the churches that he wrote to if that was the case.

        I feel in a bit of turmoil regarding this issue and as mentioned previously I do not really have anyone to discuss this with.

        Many thanks for all your help.

        Sent from my iPhone


      3. No, the context of 1 Timothy 2:12 doesn’t leave any room for the “that was just for the Ephesian church” argument. Both the “Jill” article and the “Counter Arguments” articles I linked for you address this, but, briefly, God explains in verses 13-14 exactly why He gave the prohibition in verse 12. His reasons are rooted in the Creative order and Eve’s sin. Those are universally applicable reasons. Furthermore, read the rest of chapter 2- was it only in the church at Ephesus that men were to pray and not quarrel (v.8)? Was it only in the church at Ephesus that women were to dress modestly (v.9-10)? Were the qualifications for pastors/elders in chapter 3 only for the pastors/elders of the church in Ephesus? First and second Timothy and Titus are called the “pastoral epistles”. God originally breathed them out through Paul to Timothy and Titus, but, by extension, they are applicable instructions and commands to all pastors about how to run the church.

        Paul and the other NT writers didn’t repeat this instruction to every pastor/church they wrote to because that would have been unnecessarily redundant once the NT was canonized, and because the original letters were copied and passed around from church to church so all the churches could read them. He didn’t repeat the commands about prayer and modesty to all the other churches either, and there are tons of commands in the other epistles that weren’t repeated in 1&2 Timothy and Titus.

        Hope this helps. :0)


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