
Gimme a Break!

Hey Everybody-

As is my usual summertime custom, I’m taking a break from blogging this week to spend some time with family. So my normal blog schedule is out the window and I’ll be re-running articles from the archives all this week, and possibly next Monday (6/17).

As it happens, this week is also the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, so the articles I’ll be re-running will center around Southern Baptists and the SBC (although all are relevant to non-SBC Christians). Aside from being a theme geek, there’s an important reason I’m doing this. I would deeply appreciate it if you would pray for the SBC. There are some very unbiblical movements afoot that need to be stopped and repented of. Will you please pray that the Holy Spirit will convict Southern Baptists of sin wherever that conviction is needed, grant us the gift of repentance, and give us a hunger for holiness? I am hoping that each day’s article will be a small reminder to pray for us.

If you are participating in the 1&2 Timothy study, please use this week to catch up, read ahead or go back and concentrate on any passage you’d like to dig deeper into. I’m planning to have a new lesson for you next week.

See you soon!