Contact and Social Media


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Michelle Lesley- Discipleship for Christian Women

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Michelle Lesley

As of July 2022, I am keeping my MeWe and Gab accounts open (in case I get kicked off one or more of the platforms above), but I am no longer posting content, interacting, or checking for PMs on these platforms.

Michelle Lesley

75 thoughts on “Contact and Social Media”

  1. Michelle,
    Where do you and your husband attend church? What is your husband’s name? I’m curious because I served in Baton Rouge for a number of years as a Minister of Music!

    Ken Fryer


  2. Wow just found your blog and I’m instantly drawn while testing the spirt at the same time I’m in awe how you gracefully give sound and biblical reasoning and teaching. Praying for you sis! Excited to read more yummy blogs from you! Seriously Thankful for your love of Christ and not watering down the Gospel!!!
    Grace and Peace 💕


  3. I just recently stated following your blog and it has been a breathe of fresh air! Thank you for your discernment and commitment to the truth. It has been hard for me, as a woman, to share my concerns about false teachers with other women. Although I try to speak the truth in love, in my experience, it doesn’t matter how lovely I speak. I am either ignored, kinda shut out, or told to pray about it. Most women I have come across value relationship over truth, so any kind of discussion like this is seen as combative, confrontational, and divisive. I hear a lot of talk about unity, loving each other, and depending on God to sort it out. I don’t like being frozen out of friendships, but I cannot water down God’s truth. It is just encouraging to me to find other women willing to stand for truth. Thank you.


    1. Hi Kate-

      I wish I could tell you that kind of reaction is an anomaly, but, unfortunately, it is the norm. But at least you know you’re not alone :0) Come hang out with us on social media if you like, and get some encouragement and fellowship.


  4. Hi Michelle

    I’m just wondering if there is an area where your posts can be printed. I’m old and am not very literate when it comes to ask of this but I looked and couldn’t find it. Please help if you can.

    On another note…. Let me tell you how thrilled I am to have a blog like yours to read. There’s so much muck out there and teaching that is just what I call “one click off.” Blessings as you navigate this difficult small pathway. You are in my prayers.



    1. Hi Robin-

      Thank you so much for your kind words and your prayers. If you will go down to the bottom of the article, you’ll see a little button that says “share”. If you’ll click on that, you’ll get a dropdown of a bunch of other little buttons, and one of them says “print”. Click on that and follow the instructions. If that doesn’t work, you might want to highlight and copy the text of the article, paste it into a word processing document and print from there.

      Hope this helps :0)


  5. Thank you ! The font is easy to read now. I really appreciate that you took the time to make this change. Also, I want you to know that your teachings and strength of conviction are an encouragment to to me.


    1. Aw, thanks Jamie! Your kind words are an encouragement to me! I’m glad it’s easier to read now. I just wish I could make the font bigger in the body of articles without throwing the rest of the page out of whack. It’s still pretty small for me to read :0)


  6. I didn’t realize that Bible Gateway had a resources section. I had only used the passage search function. There is a section on their resource page called Bible Engagement. In this section, one of the practices they recommend is Lectio Divina. Not sure what to think about that.


    1. I would e-mail them with a polite complaint, explaining the problems with LD. Perhaps if they get enough complaints they will remove it. Then, you can continue to use the helpful parts of the site or not as your conscience dictates.


    It is perilously possible to make our conceptions of God like molten lead poured into a specially designed mould, and when it is cold and hard we fling it at the heads of the religious people who don’t agree with us.
    from Disciples Indeed, 388 R


  8. Hi Michelle, dear sister in Christ, your writing has been so refreshing to me and I am forever grateful! You are truly an encouragement for women to remain faithful to Biblical truth. Thank you!

    “Make sure you’re doing it in love.” Is the oh so very common caution I get when I express to other Christian women my desire to share the gospel with unbelievers. I am unsure whether they worry I don’t have a very “loving” demeanor, or that they know I will be ostracized because of the act of proselytizing. I know for a fact that when I was a younger believer, only consuming milk so to speak, I used to caution putting oneself out there like that also . I know we need to be polite when we do it, but isn’t sharing the gospel the most loving thing a Christian can do?


    1. Yes it is. We do need to make sure we’re using wisdom for the moment – for example, if a co-worker’s husband just died, what might be more appropriate for the moment is a hug, a casserole, and “I’m praying for you.” An actual presentation of the gospel might come a bit later.

      We also need to make sure, to the best of our ability, that when we present the gospel, nothing about us personally is hindering it. The gospel itself is offensive enough without me being personally abrasive or having bad breath. :0)

      Finally, when we talk about doing things “in love” in Christianity, we need to make sure we’re using the Bible’s definition of love, not the world’s. The world says love equals being “nice”, affirming people the way they are, never hurting anyone’s feelings, etc. That’s not the kind of so-called “love” the Bible teaches or that Jesus modeled. Biblical love is honoring God, obeying His Word, and doing what’s best for others in God’s eyes, not in the world’s eyes.

      Hope this helps. :0)


  9. Hi Michelle, a Bible study friend shared your website with me. I’m spending my one day off of work reading what I can, but there is an ocean of information. I am, for now, the choir director at my church. I lead the choir and my husband leads the congregational hymn singing. In one question I read, I should not be doing that-the answer to the question of whether woman should serve as worship leaders or music ministers was a simple “no”. I find that much of your advice is sound and Biblical. I’m very old fashioned and cannot buy into the current feminist mantras because they do go against scripture. I Timothy 2:12 for example. However, it would help a great deal to have an extended answer, and then I’ll know whether to tender my resignation and find another way to serve. I can happily go back to just singing in the choir. Thank you for your insight.


    1. Hi Julie- Great question, and great attitude of wanting to do what’s biblical! :0)

      I’m not sure which of my articles you were reading where I simply said “no” to the question of whether or not women should serve as worship leaders, but I have addressed that question in greater length in this article (see #4).

      Of course, this article doesn’t address a woman only directing the choir, but rather, serving as the minister of music. I can see some situations in which it might be biblically OK for a woman to only direct the choir.

      For example, if it’s an emergency situation like the minister of music getting sick at the last moment on Sunday morning and he has been the one to lead the choir through rehearsals, explain the text of the music to them, etc., and the only person capable of stepping in and directing the choir that morning (just the choir, not the congregation) is a woman, I don’t think that would be a problem. Another example: At my church, the choir occasionally does anthems that center around a tenor solo. Our minister of music is sometimes the only man in the choir who can handle that solo, so he will step up to the pulpit to sing the solo, and a lady in the choir will direct the choir part of the anthem. I don’t think that’s problematic, either.

      Of course, you will need to pray about it and talk it over with your husband and pastor, but, for what it’s worth, my thought on your situation is that if your husband is Scripturally qualified (as well as musically qualified) to step into the pastoral role of minister of music (because men should not hold positions of leadership they’re not biblically qualified for either), and he is overseeing the choir – selecting the music, leading rehearsals, etc. (all the pastoral type things mentioned in the article), then it would not be a problem for you to simply direct them on Sunday morning. Especially if, as it sounds like might be the case, the two of you are temporarily filling in until a permanent minister of music can be found and hired. But, really, the best case scenario would be for your husband (and/or another biblically qualified man to) lead the congregation and the choir. And it would probably be a load off your shoulders! :0)

      Hope this helps. :0)


  10. I just read your article on Jen Wilkins who I too have done one of her studies 1 Peter with our womans group and found her to be very balanced. I came across a statement she recently said at a conference and now I’m very suspect to what her beliefs are and the fact that you can not get a ckear answer from her where she stands on certain issues. I wrote an email with my concerns but have not recieved an answer ..

    Hi Jen I just wanted to touch base with you about something I came across recently.

    First let me make you aware that as a womans ministry leader who used your 1Peter buble study recently I was very impressed with the depth an the study itself . It challenged us to search our hearts, allowed us to listen to the Holy Spirit as to what the scripture was speaking to us an then searching out the truth of what was really being spoken in the scripture instead of what we thought it was saying. All wonderful an very challenging bible study. I have to say I never did it that way prior to your study. Thank you for sharing this wisdom with us.
    I am at the moment praying about which direction to go with the next study an your newest Hebrews study is beginning to show up on my radar persay….

    Until recently actually last week I came across an article from the Reformation Charlotte organization an I am stunned at what I heard you say…..which I wont repeat I’ll allow you to listen an hear for yourself…..which once you look you will know what I am speaking of….
    I’m very shocked taken back an appalled by this comment….would you please take the time to explain yourself a bit more clearly as to why this was even spoken of?
    Please dont take this in a reprimanding way I am truely wanting to understand exactly why this was said an why you believe this?

    I have heard from others, but it was one statement…yes, I agree, it was, but that one statement speaks volumes. I am being asked about it an would like your explanation.

    I’ll wait to hear from you an Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer me.
    Franne Harkin



    1. Hi Franne- Thanks for sharing that with me. I’ll be interested to find out if she responds and what her response is, since I also have some concerns about her. You might be interested to read my friend Elizabeth Prata’s recent series of articles on Jen. Here is part 1 (links to parts 2&3 are in this article).


      1. Thank you Michelle. I will check it out over the next few days. In the meantime I will be praying fir discernment and fir truth to be tevealed….it bothers that I know something is off yet I cant put my finger on it….and then I come across this horrific statement spoken by her. I’m stunned, yet grieved by what I see happening to the body if Christ in these last days.
        Blessings and prayers to you.
        Franne Harkin

        PS if she does respond to me I will be sure to let you know.


    2. I’m a little confused by the below email sent?Did I send to the right spot? Or is the email just a response that the email I sent was recieved?Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone


  11. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new format!!! Thank you from a reader with aging eyes and a tablet. I no longer have to enlarge your page to read it. 😀 😀 😀 And it’s beautiful, too. 🙂


  12. Hi Michelle… Recently found this blog and found it to be refreshing and encouraging in a sea where I find myself mostly alone! I completely agree that the Bible clearly teaches that women are not to teach/preach, have authority over men in church. Having said that, I am struggling in one regard. One of my favorite Bible teachers is Chuck Missler. Through listening to much of his preaching series he mentions his wife’s materials and I am doing a study by her called “The Way of Agape”. It is incredible. A much needed message for today’s Christian. Here’s my question: This study isn’t only for women per se. I think it started that way as it was first introduced at their home church -Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa – to women only. Through her audio lectures that accompany the study she mentions specifically that she’s not a pastor and shares the story about the lessons God showed her that are contained in this study really saved her marriage. She has countless stories of that very thing happening to others through learning about God’s Love – Agape. What would you say to men who have read her book and received biblical insight from a study like this – from a women?


    1. It’s not unscriptural for a man to read a biblical book written by a woman, although I would discourage men from using Bible studies written by women (and I would question why they would want to) because I think it at least flirts with violating the spirit of 1 Timothy 2:12, even if it technically doesn’t violate the letter of it.

      The bottom line is even when we really enjoy a certain teacher, we have to put Scripture above our feelings for that teacher.


  13. Hi Michelle,
    I am really hoping you can clarify one of your Q&A Answers regarding soul ties. Your first paragraph answer says: The concept of “soul ties” is not biblical. It is not mentioned or even hinted at in the Bible. It is false doctrine usually taught by those in the heretical New Apostolic Reformation camp. (When I Googled “soul ties”, articles by Kris Vallotton {Bethel}, Terri Savelle Foy, and Paula White – all among the worst of the worst of the NAR and prosperity preaching – were on the first page of results. That should tell you something.) There is no way your spirit can be tied or bound to someone else’s spirit.

    I was pleased to hear that but in the text “soul ties” is a link and when I click on that link…it takes me to a web page where it says that soul ties are found in the Bible. I’m very confused by this and am trying to help someone understand the Truth in this matter. I’m really hoping you’ll respond. Thank you.


      1. Thank you, Michelle. My 18 year old daughter (who is wrestling with her faith and a commitment to God) has been consumed by this idea of “soul ties” which I had never heard of. I brought it up to my pastor and he had not heard of it either but when we discussed it…we both agreed that “one flesh” does not mean “one soul”. Sexual sin (outside of marriage) is forgivable but there may be consequences that we battle throughout our earthy life but not for eternity.

        I appreciated your article as it is very difficult to find Biblucal Truth on this subject. Everything I was finding on-line was just not lining up with Scripture and no wonder my daughter was so freaked out about it. It’s horrifying teaching that devalues God’s Word, His power, Salvation, and Sanctification.

        Thank you again for addressing this.


      2. You are so welcome, Jill. The truth of Scripture sets us free while Satan’s lies keep us in fear and bondage. I’m taking a moment to pray that God will open your daughter’s eyes to the freedom she can find in Christ and His Word.


      3. Thank you so much, Michelle. You’re absolutely right and that’s what my husband and I are praying for. God is always good!


  14. Hi! I have been reading over your website for the past few days, and while I only agree with you on 2 out of 3 of your diametrics for the testing of false teachers, I do agree with you otherwise. For the sake of our Christian unity, I don’t want to discuss it here. Instead, I would like some recommendations from you.

    I just finished a study on the book of Joshua with my girlfriends, and I am about to move into the book of Judges. A lot of it is mapped out, but I am wondering who you would recommend to help teach about the life of Samson? Over the book of Ruth? All other books of the Old Testament? Steering clear of Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore and Ruth Minter is really tough as I move forward through the next books of the Bible in the Old Testament.


    1. Hi Kimberly-
      Thank you for your question. First of all, I just want to clarify that the criteria I use for warning people away from unbiblical teachers are not “my” criteria (“diametrics”). They are criteria found in Scripture. So you’re not disagreeing with me, you’re disagreeing with Scripture. And if you’re a Believer, I would urge you to really spend some time in prayer (and probably repentance) about that. As Christians, the Bible is our authority, not our own opinions, feelings, or experiences.

      Since you’ve declined to mention which of the criteria you disagree with, you leave me at a bit of a disadvantage as to how to biblically help you. I’m going to speculate that it’s women preaching to/teaching men because of what you asked and because you’re asking at all. To better understand the Bible’s (again, not mine) prohibition against women teaching men, I would strongly encourage you to read the following resources:
      My Rock Your Role series (particularly Jill in the Pulpit)
      The Mailbag: Counter Arguments to Egalitarianism

      I would also add that if you disagree with the Bible when it comes to women preaching to men, and you’ve been sitting under the teaching of the women you’ve mentioned, that’s most likely why you have that disagreement, because that is one of the things that makes these teachers unbiblical. We cannot have the unity described in the Bible if we are not unified in biblical truth.

      To answer your question, I would recommend two things:

      First, make sure you’re in a doctrinally sound church where you’re receiving solid preaching and teaching from your pastor and teachers that is true to God’s Word and handles Scripture rightly (2 Timothy 2:15). If you’re not sure whether or not your current church is doctrinally sound (and if it’s using materials by the teachers you mentioned and it’s a place where you feel comfortable disagreeing with Scripture, it’s probably not) or if you’re in the process of trying to find a good church, check out the resources at my Searching for a new church? tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page, especially the “What to look for in a church” section of that tab. Your primary instruction in Scripture should come from your pastor and teachers at church. Good instruction at church will help you learn how to study Scripture properly on your own, which brings me to….

      Second, I would recommend that you thoroughly peruse my Bible Studies tab (also in the blue menu bar at the top of this page). I recommend that women study and teach straight from the text of Scripture itself rather than relying on other people’s materials. It’s a skill every Christian needs to develop and you don’t have to worry about whether or not the author of the book you’re using is teaching unbiblical things (like- it’s OK for women to preach to men). It’s also less expensive when you don’t have to constantly buy new materials, and it’s far richer and more rewarding to dig through the Scriptures yourself rather than getting it second hand. There are links at the “Bible Studies” tab that explain all of this in more detail. One of them I would particularly recommend for you is You’re Not as Dumb as You Think You Are: Five Reasons to Put Down that Devotional and Pick Up the Actual Bible.

      If you’ve never studied straight from Scripture, you might need a little help getting started. That’s where the Bible studies I’ve written come in – including one on Ruth and several other OT studies (all at the Bible Studies tab). My studies are designed to teach you how to study (or teach) the Bible for yourself in a “learn by doing” kind of way. They are all free and are suitable for individual or group use in case your group would like to use one of them. Once you get the hang of studying straight from Scripture, you’ll never again have to depend on someone else’s materials, even mine.

      Hope this helps! :0)


    1. Not recommended. He disqualified himself from ministry back in the 80s when he committed adultery and should have stepped down at that time. Additionally, the last time I checked his church’s statement of faith, it contained the false and unbiblical teaching that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a separate event from salvation (it’s not – every believer is baptized in / indwelt by the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation), and that the baptism of the Holy Spirit must be evidenced by “speaking in tongues”. This is not only a false teaching about the baptism of the Holy Spirit but also a false teaching about “speaking in tongues”. “Tongues” were known languages (like Greek, Spanish, etc.) given to authenticate the message of the apostles and have ceased since we have the complete Bible and this authentication is no longer needed.


  15. Dear Michelle,

    “fake it ‘til you make it”…here…

    I ask your forgiveness. I had no intention of appearing impatient, nor demanding, nor snarky. Thank you for your very frank response and clarifying your answer to my question.

    I am grateful for the knowledge and wisdom God has given you. My question was sincere as were my comments. And again I’m sorry if you took them as you did, as I had no intention to raise your ire in responding. I did indeed read the “welcome”, and again didn’t expect a response from your busy schedule and many emails you receive.

    My heart was to speak as one sister to another. I have been told this phrase before. Words have consequences, and quite honestly for me, as I filter words and phrases through God’s Word, I am reminded to speak truth in love, not snarky, or demanding. We can all learn to be effective in our walk with the Lord by not jumping to conclusions that are incorrect, being teachable and gracious.

    Blessings on you and your ministry.


  16. I just want to thank you. Our church was looking into doing the IF Gathering virtually. I’ve had previous bad experiences, but I needed some concrete evidence to present to our Elders. You are doing God’s work here! I love your breakdowns and links to the horses mouth. Keep Fighting the GOOD FIGHT!


  17. In short I believe that seeker friendly equals being ashamed of the Gospel.
    The apostate church is not on the horizon we are deep into it.
    Look at the best selling book list and weep.
    Pastors more concerned about approval and membership and being highly esteemed and money to run their business.
    I appreciate all who boldly defend the faith.
    We can all expect to be treated like Jerimiah in the well and Paul and Stephen being stoned.
    They are not Watchmen let alone protective of the flock against wolves and devilish deceptions.
    May the Lord Bless you and your labour of love and service to God.


  18. Hi Michelle,

    Please forgive that this question is not related to any teaching, well, not really. I was reading your blog from the “Faithful” conference and looking at the photos and wondering where you buy your clothes?

    We appear to be of similar age. I work for our church and do my best to not stand out while at the same time set an example of modesty and try to be fashionable yet not trendy. It is VERY difficult to find clothing that fits all those criteria!

    Thanks for all you do for us ladies in the name of our Lord.
    Be blessed,


    1. Hi Ann- I’m so flattered! (I’ll turn 53 at the end of April.) The outfit in the photos (and most of my outfits these days) came from a local thrift store. I just can’t abide paying exorbitant prices for clothing, so this store is a godsend. Sometimes I find garments there that are brand new with the original price tags still attached. I also like this store because their proceeds go toward a Christian homeless/addiction ministry.

      I check out the women’s clothes every time I’m at Sam’s, too, especially the stuff that’s on clearance. I’ve gotten some good casual pants, jeans, and tops there.


  19. Hello Michelle, The women’s group of the church that we are attending has decided to hold a women’s event and will be doing a Priscilla Shire simulcast. I have read your article about Ms. Shire and have decided to abstain from attending the event. I was drawn to your article written, several years back, because I was searching the internet for information on P. Shire because something in my head kept “poking” me to do so. Which leads me to my question. How do I lovingly but truthfully tell the women in this group why I am refusing to attend and why I feel this is not someone whom we should be promoting? (unless of course, Ms. Shire has changed her stance since your article was written) We (my husband and I) feel that the young pastor of the church we attend is definitely on track Biblically speaking, and we have spoken to him at length about the doctrinal statement of the church and we believe him to be of sound doctrine. We also believe that we (being older and “more seasoned” Christians) could be of the Lords’ use at this small community church. In fact we told him that we left the last church ( a borderline mega church) we were attending because we found out at the “new membership” class that they had a female pastor intern on the staff. I am certain that he is oblivious to P. shire and her disregard to scriptures requirements for a pastor/teacher. I’m sorry that my comments have gotten lengthy and hope that you can help me “find the right words” to discuss this with those involved.


  20. Hi Michelle,
    I enjoy your blog. Our women’s group once did a Mandela coloring book, they irritate me when I try to color them! and I warned the leader it might be dangerous. She brushed it off as just getting together to color and talk. So I guess it was OK, as long as that was all it was.
    It seems to me there is a little false something in every church, people aren’t discerning. Or because meditation means different things. Like my friend who believes she’s calling on Jesus by repeating his name over every situation. It’s too new age for me, but she says she’s just asking Jesus for his help in every situation.
    My question is I’m in a free low impact exercise class but at the end they meditate to relax. I pray during this time, especially for the ladies there. It irritates me that they do this and I think I should quit this class. I wanted an inside exercise for the winter, but I guess I should since they all enjoy that part so much. They all say it feels so good. It’s frustrating that this new age, false stuff is everywhere.


  21. Hi Michelle. Can you tell me a good NIV Bible for a young adult? We just noticed that my daughter has a Bible that was written by a False teacher.
    Thank you.


      1. What Bible do you recommend if I’m not able to find one in that year. The KJV and NKJV are not as easy for my daughter and I.


      2. Hi Chelsi- I’m sorry I was unclear. If you’ll click the link in my previous comment, it will take you to my article on which translations I do and don’t recommend and why. :0)


  22. Hi Michelle. I read up on your list of Bibles that you recommend and you have Holman listed as one you recommend, I own the Holman Rainbow Study Bible, what are your thoughts on this one? Thanks.


    1. Hi Chelsi- If you’ll notice, I didn’t recommend “Holman”. I recommended the “Holman Christian Standard Bible” (HCSB) translation, which is now the “Christian Standard Bible” (CSB) translation. I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the Holman Rainbow Study Bible, so I couldn’t offer an opinion on it. All I can say is that if the “rainbow” part has something to do with this study Bible being pro-homosexuality, it is not a good Bible, and I would recommend you get rid of it. If the “Holman” part means that the Bible text is in the HCSB or CSB translation, then the Bible text part of that Bible should be fine. I can’t comment on the study notes or any other part of that study Bible since I’ve never seen it.


      1. I do apologize for reading that wrong. I do not see anything pertaining to homosexuality in this Bible, the context aligns with other Bibles. I’ve been looking at ESV Bibles and I stumbled upon one, but its written by 3 different authors one being Francis Chan, I know he’s a false teacher. I feel like my head is spinning, I need a good solid Bible for my daughter and I.


      2. Well, like I said in the article, I highly recommend (and use, myself) the MacArthur Study Bible, and it is available in ESV. :0)

        Which translation does your pastor preach from?


  23. Hi Michelle! I’m about to join a women’s Bible study group and the study guide they are proposing is a female author that is a senior pastor of a church. I do not believe in woman pastoring and I am conflicted with joining the group because of this. What should do do?


    1. Hi Stephanie- You should not join that group. Even if you explained the biblical prohibition against women pastors to the leader and she agreed and repented, she clearly does not know Scripture well enough and is not discerning enough to be teaching the Bible or leading that group (James 3:1).

      And if that group is at your church, after explaining what Scripture says to the leader, you need to report it to your pastor. (This article may help.)If your pastor sees no problem with it and backs the leader, you need to find a new church. It’s that serious.

      And, hon, if I may just tweak your wording a bit- it’s not that “you don’t believe in” women pastoring, it’s that God prohibits it in His Word (1 Timothy 2:11-3:7). It’s important to express that clearly and precisely because if you say “I don’t believe in,” whoever you’re talking to is just going to consider that your personal, subjective opinion or preference. She can easily dismiss it because your personal opinion is not her authority in life. But if she claims to be a Christian, God’s Word is her authority in life and she is obligated to obey it.

      Find yourself a good group (preferably in your own, doctrinally sound church) that’s studying straight from the text of Scripture, or start your own! You’re welcome to use any of the studies I’ve written. They’re all at the “Bible Studies” tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page, and they’re all free. Blessings to you! :0)


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