Favorite Finds

Favorite Finds ~ November 13, 2018

Here are a few of my favorite recent online finds…

I’m so thankful for this new ministry from Stephen NewellThe Baptist Deafcast. The Deaf community in the U.S. and abroad is one of the largest unreached people groups in the world. Stephen has such a heart for carrying the gospel and discipleship to Deaf people, and his passion is inspiring. An extremely helpful resource if you have a Deaf ministry at your church, or Christian loved ones who are Deaf. Stephen voices as well as signs, so hearing people can benefit from each episode as well. Here’s episode 1:


“What do Americans think about God, Jesus Christ, sin, and eternity? Ligonier Ministries’ State of Theology survey helps uncover the answers.” You’ve probably heard some of the abysmal findings from Ligonier’s 2018 survey. Why not use it as a springboard for teaching your Sunday School or Bible study class good theology?



If you grew up in the era when purity culture and courtship was en vogue in evangelicalism, you probably read, or were influenced by, I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Recently, the book’s author, Joshua Harris, released a statement describing how he has grown in his theology since writing the book, and how that growth has changed his views, leading to the decision to discontinue publishing it. This really resonated with me since this is the exact same reason I have not re-released my own book. It’s brief and worth a read even if you aren’t familiar with Josh or his book.


“Is Christianity Christ + the American dream? American Gospel examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message, and how this theology is being exported abroad.” If you haven’t seen the documentary movie American Gospel: Christ Alone yet, rent or buy it and watch it, like…yesterday. It is excellent.


Enjoy the latest antics of Lutheran Satire in this just for fun video. It’s satire. It’s not really Clint Eastwood. It pokes fun. It’s made by Lutherans. If you’re easily offended by fun, satire, Clint Eastwood, Clint Eastwood impersonators, or Lutherans, please don’t watch this. Otherwise, sit back and have a laugh!



Ladies, set your attitude to gratitude!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, so for the rest of this week and all of next week, it’s Thanksgiving-palooza on the blog. If you’re participating in our Imperishable Beauty study, you’ve got two weeks to catch up on your lessons. And, if you’re a Black Friday shopper, stop here before you head out to the mall. I’ll have a great list of Christian-owned online businesses you might want to check out – and throw some brotherly love to – first!