Statement of Faith


If I had to label myself, I guess I would go with “Reformed Southern Baptist”. I hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith (Second London Baptist Confession) as well as the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (though there are a few points I would tweak for clarity). These documents represent my beliefs fairly accurately.

Though Calvinistic in my soteriology, most of the Southern Baptist churches I’ve been a member of have been Traditionalist (non-Calvinistic). I tend to hold a more nuanced view of Calvinism than many. I’ve written more about this here and here.

(It breaks my heart that as a lifelong Southern Baptist, I can no longer personally support the leadership, the entities, or most of the things currently happening at the national level of the SBC. The doctrinally sound, autonomous church I’m currently a member of is still in the SBC but is actively fighting back against the darkness and ungodliness that is slowly taking over.)

I also subscribe to: 
The Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

and am a signatory to:
The Nashville Statement (on biblical sexuality)
The Dallas Statement (on social justice & the gospel)

My testimony:

49 thoughts on “Statement of Faith”

    1. Hi Sueann- Yes, like every genuinely regenerated beliver, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation. Speaking in tongues, as it is currently practiced, is a man-made invention and is not evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, so, no, I do not partake in glossolalia. I also do not speak in any known foreign languages as a sign gift since this sign gift has ceased.

      If you’d like to learn more about the biblical view of tongues, click here and here for some excellent resources.

      Liked by 6 people

  1. I was always taught that tongues are still important today and that God gives out the gift of tongues, and also that everyone filled with the spirit speaks in tongues as a result to this day I’m reading my bible and praying for a full understanding of it.

    What about 1 cor 14 it mentions tongues and verses 4-5. Whats your take on that chapter?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have been taught that the gift of tongues is not given to each believer. We all have our gifts from God and tongues are not given to all of us. Recently, I have heard that prophesy, and tongues are not for this time we live in. The prophets are in the old testament. I am confused about all this. I attend a Calvary Bible church that does not partake in the charismatic movement. I do feel the presence of the Holy Spirit during Sunday service through the music, the body of believers, and the pastor’s sermon.


  2. Do you support the belief that Gods children are elected onto salvation? Meaning some are damned to hell from birth; while others are destined for salvation?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Hayley-

      The Bible is clear (ex. Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:3-5) that God predestines people for salvation. It is also clear (ex. Ezekiel 33:11, 2 Peter 3:9) that He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that His heart is for people to repent and know Christ as Savior. I believe both of those things because the Bible says both of those things.

      It is difficult for us to understand how both of those things could be true at the same time because we are finite human beings and those things are mysteries hidden in the mind of an infinite God. I don’t spend time worrying about how it all plays out. That’s God’s business, not mine, because His thoughts and ways are higher than mine (Isaiah 55:8-9) and because the secret things belong to the Lord, but the revealed things belong to us (Deuteronomy 29:29). I do know that however God works all those things out, He is perfectly right, good, just, and merciful. No one will ever stand before Him in judgment and be able to rightly accuse Him of unfairly sentencing them to an eternity in Hell. God is perfect in all His ways (Psalm 18:30).

      I like to be about the business of the Great Commission and let God sort out the rest. That’s the assignment He has given us: to proclaim the gospel wherever we go, and to disciple the saved.

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Hi Michelle! Could you please clarify what you believe concerning your first sentence in this reply? Do you believe God predestines some people for salvation or all people? Thank you.


      2. Some people. Sorry that was unclear. To say that God predestines all people to salvation, or that God saves all people (regardless of what one believes about predestination), is a heresy called universalism.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. Sorry I have to jump in here, why is it that doctrines have labels? If a doctrine is not of God, I see it as an unnecessary factor to insist on their given names.
        Anyone who questions a teaching only needs to know whether or not that teaching is of God. How its named or it came up is just detail especially since every new heresy will justify itself with an appealing title and the Scriptures are ever so simple when reproving


      4. Just to clarify, that’s a linguistics question, not a theological question. We have labels for particular doctrines for the same reason we have labels for everything else. For example, tomorrow I plan to mix sugar, flour, butter, and eggs, form them into discs, and place them into a 350 degree oven until they are golden brown and edible. But it’s much faster and easier to say that tomorrow I am baking cookies. We use labels because it’s a shorthand way to describe what we’re talking about so everybody’s on the same page. That’s how language works.

        Liked by 3 people

      5. I hold to the belief that the gift of tongues has not ceased, nor prophecy, nor knowledge, nor healing. I do believe that 95 percent of the tongues practiced today prove to be of no v
        alue to the church as was intended.


      6. Hi Michelle ! I have much to learn. Does predestination mean not everyone has the ability to become saved or that He knows even before we are even formed who will choose to follow him or become saved? I recently realized I was following some false teachings and have all the questions now. Sorry if this is a silly question. Thank you !


      7. It’s not a silly question at all. I think reading the 1689 Confession (linked above) will help, but here’s the shorter answer:

        Predestination means that before the foundation of the world, God appointed certain people unto salvation and eternal life. He doesn’t choose people based on any merit they might have (because we don’t have any merit apart from Christ), but for His own reasons, whatever they are. As finite human beings, we don’t know what those reasons are, but because we know God is perfectly just, wise, loving, and full of mercy and grace, we can rest assured that His decisions in predestination are perfect, good, and right. There will never be a scenario of a lost person wanting to repent, believe the gospel, and get saved, and God saying, “No, I didn’t predestine you.”.

        Some people wrongly think that because Calvinists believe in predestination, we don’t evangelize the lost. Nothing could be further from the truth. Predestination doesn’t relieve us of the responsibility to share the gospel, because that is the means by which God saves people. We evangelize everyone out of obedience to God (that’s our job) and let Him worry about predestination (that’s His job). The most evangelistically minded people I know are all Calvinists.

        Hope this helps! :0)


      8. Scripture clearly teaches we are chosen IN CHRIST. “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which you can be saved.” Acts 4:12. Yes, we are chosen in Christ alone. So salvation is there for ANYONE who come by faith in the finished work of Christ. Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace you have been saved, through faith. And this is a gift of God, not a result of works.” 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 “For I deliver to you as of first importance what I received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures.” So Jesus said “Come to Me, all who labor and are weary ( heavy laden) and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30


      9. Hi Grace-

        I’m not sure whether you’re arguing with me (or someone else) or agreeing with me (or someone else), and, if you’re arguing, exactly what it is you’re arguing against, but I believe and agree with all of those (rightly handled and in context) Scriptures.

        I would only add John 6:44a to your list. Jesus said: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.” And if you’re arguing against predestination, I would direct you back to the Scripture references I’ve already given above and point you back to the latter part of Ephesians 2:8 (which you cited): “..through faith. And this (faith) is a gift of God…” (The rest of the verses you cite have nothing to do with predestination.)

        If your intent here is to argue against predestination and/or Calvinism/Reformed theology (and, again, I’m not sure whether or not that’s the case, so, if not, I apologize in advance for misunderstanding you), then, regrettably, our conversation is now at an end. I don’t allow or participate in theological arguments in the comments section of my blog.


  3. I am very thankful to have found this blog even though I do not consider myself reformed. It is actually something I am currently struggling with but that is for another day. I have also been struggling with the amount of false teaching that I am seeing, so reading your blog was a breath of fresh air for me.

    Thank you for doing what you are doing!


    1. Could you give me your opinion on the Orthodox Church? My husband is struggling with topics such as the perspicuity of scripture, baptismal regeneration, etc. He was raised/and trained in seminary for southern baptist, but is having doubts. I have no formal training in these areas and find these topics confusing, but feel they lead to a “works based” perspective on salvation. Any guidance would be appreciated


      1. Cheyenne, can you help me understand a little better? Are you saying your husband is wanting to reject what he learned in seminary and church and become a member of an Orthodox church (there are many “flavors” of Orthodox, by the way, Eastern, Greek, Russian, etc.)? Or are you saying he believes the Orthodox church is unbiblical?


  4. Really been a delight to come across your ministry as there are so few women that worshipping God with their minds and pursuing precise doctrinal clarity AND application of the great truths we hold dear. I wonder how few people would confuse the secondary effects of the gospel when hearts are changed with Gospel Mandates (the latest social justice manipulative mandates) if we had clarity on God’s call on our lives. I wonder how many often good authors would get away with misleading and misusing Scripture (whatever their motives might be) if we knew the Lord ourselves and measured things under Scripture and in light of the gospel and the man Jesus Christ if we didn’t depend so much on them “telling us what the Bible says”. It is a rare moment that I meet someone who doesn’t defend error in application by quoting a bible verse to contradict a clear command or principle. I am a bit suspicious when that happens. Anyway, thank you for being so encouraging in the truth and even though I may not hold your position on a couple secondary doctrines, I stand shoulder to shoulder on the essentials for the glory of God and the magnifying of His Great Name.


  5. It is refreshing to read this blog! Our ladies group is floundering around with a lot of these famous lady teacher’s books and when I introduced “Gospel Treason” by Brad Bigney they really hated it. Every time we met they would tear the book and the author down saying he was too harsh and “who is HE to tell ME that I have IDOLS??” It was such a miserable time that my co-leader and I just resigned the study about half way through. Now they are on to a study by Priscilla Shirer entitled “Discerning the Voice of God” It really breaks my heart because I do love them very much.


    1. Karen, I wish I could say I don’t know how you feel, but, unfortunately, I do. I know it’s discouraging. I hope you find this blog to be a little oasis of encouragement. :0)


  6. I too have just discovered this blog. I listen to and am blessed by many who hold to the views or some combination of Calvinism & Arminianism. (Tim Challies, Nancy Guthrie, John Piper…) I cannot subscribe wholeheartedly to either. I am once again looking at both. God even created the angels with some semblance of free will and we see some of them deciding to follow Satan when given the choice. It is difficult for me to think that a Perfect Creator would take away all free will from His creatures. At any rate, I am thankful it is not an issue upon which our salvation depends. There will be many from both camps worshipping the Creator together in Heaven! Also wanted to mention that I have read with interest the many posts on False Teachers. I cringe each time I see an advertisement for Jesus Calling and worse, the myriads of people who love and follow Sarah Young. I pop in to say what I can say, but so many are so blind. Do you think it is because the Church today is basically Biblically illiterate and that Young’s “devos” are always sweet to the taste…never mentioning sin or repentance?
    I plan on referring a young Christian friend to your site for info on False Teachers. We need discernment now more than every before!


    1. Thank you so much, Linda! It is my pleasure to serve you in Christ.

      To answer your question, yes. Second Timothy 4:3-4 says it best: For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

      Unfortunately, we are seeing this fulfilled right before our eyes.


  7. My church is sponsoring a women’s bible study with Whitney Capps. I have never heard of her and I respect your knowledge in these matters. Do you know of or can you recommend her?


    1. Hi Linda- I’m not familiar with her either, but I did a quick Google search and one of the first things that popped up was that she is affiliated with Lysa TerKeurst’s Proverbs 31 Ministries (click the “Popular False Teachers” tab at the top of this page for more info.), so, no, I would not recommend her. This article may also help if you need to research her further.


  8. Hi Michelle Do you subscribe to the doctrine that Christ Millennial reign on earth and the temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt for the Jews. The prophetic clock for Israel has been paused until the time of the gentiles has been fulfilled .


    1. Hi Stephen-

      I’ve explained my eschatological views here.

      Because I believe in the complete sovereignty of God as taught by Scripture, I don’t believe He “pauses” “prophetic clocks” or anything else. He always knows exactly what’s going to happen and when and that is all woven together into His plans. Nothing catches Him off guard and causes Him to have to change His plans as a result.


  9. Hi Michelle, I praise the LORD for your insight to Biblical truths, I will be using your wisdom a lot thank you. God Bless your ministry.


  10. You don’t have to publish this, and it may be because my browser is super private (Duck Duck Go) and sometimes things don’t work as planned (my husband is a software architect and really weird about internet privacy) but the link to the Statement on Social Justice is not working for me at all. 😦


    1. Hi Ouisa- Thanks so much for letting me know. I touched base a few days ago with the folks who are responsible for the site, and it is back up and running now. I think maybe it was just temporarily down for maintenance.


  11. Well Michelle, as often in my life this happens. I just happened to catch a word on a fb post that drew me to read a comment that led me to your blog. So I have stepped up to the refreshing pond and my toes are in the water. I am so excited to jump in for a swim and soak up all the wonderful blessings from God through you. I just keep reading more and more. I did not realize the lack of discernment I had but your wisdom is giving me direction to look closer at what God’s word says on many matters. Thank you for your obedience to our Lord to share what He has gifted you with. Have a wonderful day!


  12. I have some issues with your view of presdestination. That seems to contradict John 3:16 that says “… whosoever believes…”. Would that mean that your children could be damned while you are predestined? Or vice versa?


    1. Hi Cindi- Thanks for your question. I’ll be glad to answer briefly, but if this is an area of interest or concern for you, I would encourage you to do more study on it, both from Scripture itself and from doctrinally sound theologians. Just to clarify for anyone who might read this and be confused, predestination is not “my view” as though it is my own personal, subjective opinion that I’ve developed on my own. Scripture teaches it. I simply believe it.

      Predestination does not contradict John 3:16, because Scripture does not contradict itself. The “whosoever” in John 3:16 in no way implies that anyone can come to Christ without the Father drawing him to Himself (John 6:44). It simply means “whoever” or “everyone” or “anyone” who does believe will not perish but have eternal life. If someone is genuinely regenerated, that’s how you know that person was predestined to salvation. That’s the only way we can tell whether someone is predestined or not – if he gets genuinely saved.

      The second part of your question seems like a separate issue to me. Anyone could be predestined. Anyone could be “not predestined,” so to speak. It has nothing to do with familial relationships. God hasn’t promised anywhere in Scripture that if you’re saved your children will therefore be saved, or vice versa. In fact, in Matthew 10:34-38, Jesus indicated that in many families some family members are saved and others are not.

      Hope this helps clear things up a bit. :0)


  13. Hi, I was hoping you could clarify a statement I heard from you on youtube at 3:45 in the video. It sounds like you’re saying Hebrews 1:1-2 states that God no longer speaks to us through prophets, and does not individually speak to anyone anymore. So I’m wondering if you are under the belief that our relationship with God is one way (us praying to Him) and He does not give personal direction or answer prayers. The video is linked below, thanks for your time.


    1. Hi April-
      Yes, I am a cessationist, if that’s what you’re asking (see the “Welcome & FAQs” tab in the blue menu bar at the top of this page). To your specific points:

      -Hebrews 1:1-2 does not say “God no longer speaks to us through prophets, and does not individually speak to anyone anymore” verbatim, but that is the general idea, so that’s what I believe. Please see my article Basic Training: The Bible is Sufficient

      -“I’m wondering if you are under the belief that our relationship with God is one way (us praying to Him)”. No, our relationship with God is most certainly not “one way”. I think maybe you meant “verbal communication” instead of “relationship”? If so, speaking strictly of verbal (i.e. communicating with language/words) communication, we speak to God in prayer and worship. God speaks to us through His written Word, the Bible.

      -“He does not give personal direction or answer prayers.” No, I absolutely do not believe this, nor is this linked in any way to the denial of extra-biblical revelation. To believe this is to deny Scripture and to deny God Himself. It is functional Deism. Scripture affirms that God both directs people as fitting for their own unique circumstances and answers prayers.

      Hope this helps. :0)


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